Monday, August 16, 2010

PLDL Robots, SHE Volleyball, CCHE Curriculum Sale Wrap-up & Survey, General Question, and Information from Updates Coordinator

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

PLDL: Ready for Robots at Portage Library 
The Portage Lake District Library will host an engineering and robotics program for elementary school kids who think inventions and science are really cool! 
The Houghton High School robotics team will continue with their series on "Ready for Robots and a Whole Lot More" on Saturday, August 21, from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.  
The robotics team will share a story about engineers and robots, explain how kids can get involved with a robotics team, and spend most of the afternoon doing hands-on activities. This session will teach participants about the "brains" of a robot and will get them thinking about programming, sensors, and electronics.  
One of the activities planned will be to split the kids into groups of "robots" and programmers. The programmers will learn how to write directions for the "robots" using simple programming terms so the robot can complete a task. Kids will learn how many descriptive steps it takes to explain how to do something as simple as make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 
The Houghton High School robotics team is mentored by Michigan Tech students. Their team, Superior Roboworks, is a FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology) Robotics Competition Team. 
Everyone is welcome to attend, and library programs are free. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit  
SHE Looking for Volleyball Players & Coach
Superior Home Educators asked me to pass along that they are seeking players and a coach for their volleyball team. The coach is a paid position. If you or someone you know is interested, please call Terry (withheld for archive)
CCHE Curriculum Sale Wrap-up
The CCHE Curriculum Sale went really well. Thank you to everyone that sold, bought, helped or just socialized! I think those that stayed really enjoyed themselves and most people were able to make a little money or find the curriculum they were looking for… there were only a couple things that need finishing up:
1)      Someone bought "Observing God's World" and did not take the Answer Key. If you want it, just reply to and I will arrange to drop it off or mail it.
2)      Another parent was looking for ACE (PACE/School of Tomorrow) curriculum – particularly 2 – 4th grade math. If you have this curriculum and want to sell it but didn't bring it to the sale, please reply to and we'll pass on the information.
3)      The receipts are currently being organized and the checks will come out soon. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.
4)      Please take the following survey about the curriculum sale (even if you didn't participate but have an opinion on next year's sale):
General Question/Comment Section:
I am looking to enroll my son in a JROTC program. Does anyone else on this list have a child that participated in this program or that knows how to go about enrolling a homeschooling child in JROTC?  
Please send answers/comments to
From Val (Updates Coordinator):
The previous is a new segment I'd like to include in most future updates (and the question is a real one that I, Val, have - so please feel free to answer it). If you have any questions or comments that you'd like passed onto the mailing list please feel free to send them to
If you'd like to have an answer forwarded – reply to No contact information will be exchanged between the poster and answerer – unless permission is given. So if you want to be directly contacted (like if you have something for sale) please include that in your original email to me.
We reserve the right to edit or deny any comments or questions that are deemed inappropriate for the Updates!

Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view our an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.