Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Library Programs, Chicken Exhibitor Demo, Vacation Bible School, Babysitter Needed

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

On Thursday, August 6, Isle Royale Interpretive Ranger Jordan (withheld for archive) will offer a special "Wolves" Storytime at 10:15 a.m. Children will listen to wolf stories, watch a slide presentation about wolves and pack mentality, and play games that imitate how wolves work as a team: Catch the Moose and the Human Knot.
Also on Thursday, August 6, Merle (withheld for archive) will present an update on "Building an Energy Efficient House in Kerala, India" at 7:00 p.m. (withheld for archive) will show slides of the construction of the prototypical energy efficient house she commissioned that was completed in May. The house is made of burnt bricks and mud walls with provisions for solar hot water, biogas, a smokeless chula (wood-burning oven), rainwater harvesting, micro-hydro, and containment of rain water. Merle will discuss her three year association with the Centre of Science and Technology for Rural Development (COSTFORD) in Kerala, India, as Volunteer Communications Consultant. COSTFORD is a non-profit organization that uses eco-friendly design and social consciousness as a path to positive societal change.

On Saturday, August 8, the Summer Reading Program will end with Magic Shows performed by Craig (withheld for archive). Two performances will be given and show times are 12:00- 12:40 p.m. and 1:00 – 1:40 p.m. Waddell has been doing magic shows for the Houghton Elementary School Carnival for the past eight years and specializes in the art of illusion.

Children are invited to Storytimes every Monday with Maria (withheld for archive) and alternating Wednesdays with the Houghton High School Key Club. These programs include stories and a project and will continue through August.

Portage Library Hosts Student Exchange Travelogues

The Portage Lake District Library will host three local students who will give presentations about their travels and experiences in study abroad programs.

Carrie (withheld for archive) studied in Turkey for a year under the Rotary Youth Exchange program. On Monday, August 10, at 7:00 p.m. she will show slides of her trip and share her impressions on the culture and rich history of Turkey, its food, language, people, and daily life. Participants will learn that Turkey is the home of Santa Claus, the Amazon Warriors, Mount Olympus, Homer, Rumi, and more, and will see items on display from Turkey.

On Thursday, August 13, at 7:00 p.m. Hannah (withheld for archive) will present a slide show about her year of study in Poland under the Rotary Youth Exchange program. Participants will learn about Polish culture, language, food, city and country life, the celebration of traditional holidays, and political influences on daily life. Kass-Aten will also describe Rotary organized trips, her host families, the school she attended, and display items she brought back from Poland.

Amber (withheld for archive) lived in Stuttgart, Germany for two months through the Michigan Technological University Study Abroad Student Exchange program. On Monday, August 17, at 7:00 p.m. she will show slides of her travels in Germany, including visits to Prague, and Heidelberg. Voght will share her impressions of Stuttgart, the sixth largest city in Germany, which is famous for its architecture and rich culture, as well as being home to the Mercedes Benz and Porsche museums. There will be items from Germany on display and samples of German chocolate to enjoy.

All library programs are free and everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit


This Thursday there will be an informal workshop on exhibiting chickens, featuring the former Fair Queen and Grand Champion Chicken Exhibitor, Genny Gierke at 3:00 at the Houghton County Fairgrounds in the Chicken Barn.

Bring your chicken. =D Big cardboard boxes work great. Put some newspaper on the bottom to catch any leakage or hold dust in. Also, milk crates would work (if the chickens are small enough).

They have some chicken books to hand out that are $5 for non 4-H members. Their club is willing to take care of that cost for people, but everyone might consider becoming a 4-H member, which is only $10, then all these materials and events are offered for free.

Please RSVP to (withheld for archive)

Also, I believe there is a workshop at the Exhibit building on the 2nd Tuesday in August (the 11th) for indoor exhibits (school papers, projects, produce, canning, etc.). Contact the Extension office for more information.


Our church will be doing a fun Vacation Bible School the week of August 17-21st. We have an experienced team of workers ready to guide children, ages 5-12, through a week of fun and activity. The kids will become investigators, searching for clues about God's grace. And families will also be invited to end the week with their kids at "Family Fun Night" – an open house, games, refreshments time.

Please feel free to call me with questions (withheld for archive). And PLEASE spread this invitation to your family and friends!
It will be 10 AM – 1 PM, M-F, Aug 17-21.

Also, this is a FREE event and sign-up is acceptable at the door each day, but pre-registration is preferred.

Grace Christian Fellowship
Pine Street, Calumet, MI
Hello fellow homeschoolers,
I am looking for a part time babysitter for my homeschooled ds Viyan
(7) this academic year. The number of hours may range from ten to
twenty hours a week, with the twenty being not very often. I would
prefer them to come to our house in Houghton (I will be happy to pay
gas money). I am also open to other venues. I would like this person
to be mobile so they can drive him to the library/chess club/open swim
etc. if necessary, but again, I am flexible.
If you are interested, or know anyone who may be interested, please
have them email me at(withheld for archive) or have them call me at
(withheld for archive) after August 7th.
CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.