Friday, August 14, 2009

Future Historians, 2009 Sate History Conference - Mackinac Island - October 2-4, Eric Erickson Fall Class, CCCS Soccer,

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This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


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Future Historians Schedule


*NOTE: All meetings 7:00 p.m. at the Michigan Iron Industry Museum, 73 Forge Rd., Negaunee, Township unless noted.

    September 15, 2009 "Growing Up at Fayette: Kids in a Company Town"

Presenter: Brenda Laakso, Historian, Fayette Historic Townsite

From 1867 to 1891 the village of Fayette operated as an iron smelting complex, complete with the furnace complex, worker's housing, town hall and a hotel. Over 500 people lived there, and nearly half of the population was under the age of 16. Imagine growing up in an early U.P. industrial town. What was it really like? What work would you do? What about school and what would you do with your free time? Who would be your friends and neighbors? During this program Ms. Laakso will provide answers to these questions and many more…

October 13, 2009 "Tombstones Can Talk – An Historic Tour of Negaunee's Park Cemetery"

Tour Leader: Barry James, Education Specialist, Michigan Iron Industry Museum

Get into the Halloween spirit by visiting a local cemetery! We shouldn't be scared of cemeteries; they are great places to learn about history, people, tombstones, architecture and local communities. During the tour we will visit the Negaunee Cemetery and learn about gravesites, funeral customs and explore burial plots. The tour will be rain or shine – be prepared for poor weather – then back to the museum for light refreshments.

[Note: Please bring a flashlight and something to write with and on]

November 10, 2009 "Searching for Clues: Archaeological Discoveries at

Historic Fort Wilkins"

Presenter: John Griebel, Director, Ontonagon Historical Society

Archaeology is the science that studies human cultures through the recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material remains. There have been several investigations at Fort Wilkins, and many artifacts have been recovered. For the past two summers Mr. Griebel has worked at Fort Wilkins documenting cultural remains within the state park. During this meeting he will discuss archaeology within the park and share with us his discoveries.

    January 26, 2010 "Weather History in the U.P."

Presenter: Karl Bohnak, Chief Meteorologist, WLUC TV-6, Negaunee

People always seem to be talking about the weather. Imagine what life was like surviving a winter without modern utilities or transportation. At this meeting Mr. Bohnak will offer rare glimpse how early pioneers coped with a harsh climate. He will share stories about Charlie and Angelique Mott, who went to Isle Royale in the summer of 1843 to guard a mining claim with the promise of a boatload of supplies and a return trip in the fall. Neither promise was kept, resulting in a little-known, but chilling tragedy. The TV-6 weatherman will also share his findings and stories about the Upper Peninsula's weather phenomenon.

February 23, 2010 "Poles, Goggles and Skis: Ski Flying in the U.P."

Presenter: Frida Waara, Producer/Writer, On Cue Productions, Marquette

Imagine tying wooden skis to your winter boots, sliding down a steep hill and jumping off a snow-covered mound. What was it like to fly through the air in winter? What sort of equipment did they have in the early 1900s? How has ski equipment changed over the years? What sort of skiing equipment is used today? At this meeting, award-winning producer Frida Waara will present the connection between skiing and mining in the Upper Peninsula. She will also share images and equipment from the past and the present.

March 23, 2010 "The Barefoot Boys of Fayette and other stories of U.P. History"

Presenter: Ragene Henry, Children's book author and teacher (retired), Marquette

Do you like to write? How about writing a story based upon a historical event? At this meeting we will get a behind the scenes look at writing historical fiction. Mrs. Henry will talk about her books, including The Barefoot Boys of Fayette, which recounts the adventures of a group of boys growing up in the Upper Peninsula furnace town of Fayette during its heyday in the 1880s. Her other novels are The Time of the Shining Rocks, An Enduring Christmas and The Copper Moon. An award-winning educator and author, Ragene will show how she used her research about key events in the U.P.'s history to write historical fiction for young readers.

April 20, 2010 "Meet a Civil War Musician of 1865"

Presenter: Michael Deren, "The Past in Person," Ann Arbor

Many historians consider the Civil War era as one of the most important events in American history. Yet, many don't understand what life was like for the everyday soldier. Through the "Civil War Musician of 1865" we will learn about marching, drilling, and camp life. Mr. Deren will share the humor, pain and excitement of the war years through music and song. As a professional musician and educator he plays saxhorn, fife, concertina, bones and bugle. Be prepared for a fun, interactive and exciting program!

Summer Role Playing Registration

will take place at the April 20th meeting!

Special Summer Programs - Living History Day Camps

At Historic Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor; Fayette Historic Townsite, Garden; and the Michigan Iron Industry Museum, Negaunee.

Students must attend three training sessions to participate.

Training will take place in May/June 2010.

Questions or concerns?

Please call the museum office at (withheld for archive) or


I attended the UP History Conference a couple of years ago in Ontonagon and found it very interesting. The seminars are mostly geared for an adult audience but high school students would probably enjoy many of them. I plan to attend the State Conference on Mackinac Island in October. Hope to see you there. Sara (withheld for archive)
Subject: 2009 Sate History Conference - Mackinac Island - October 2-4
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 14:24:35 -0400
State History Conference
October 2-4, 2009
Mackinac Island, MI

The Historical Society of Michigan's 135th Annual Meeting and State History Conference will be held October 2-4, 2009 on Mackinac Island. The conference features a pre-conference workshop, tours, the annual State History Awards Banquet, a Saturday evening exclusive access to Fort Mackinac with an "Outdoor BBQ" catered by Grand Hotel, three keynotes, ten breakout sessions, exhibitors and two mini-workshops for local historical organizations.
The conference is sponsored and hosted by the Mackinac State Historic Parks and also sponsored by the Shepler's Mackinac Island Ferry, Lake Superior State University, Michigan State University Press and Mission Point Resort.
Register by downloading the 2009 State History Conference brochure, calling us at (800) 692-1828 or online using PayPal.

Conference Hotel - Mission Point Resort
Special State History Conference Rate: $99.95/night
For reservations call: (800) 833-7711 and ask for the "2009 State History Conference Rate."

Pre-Conference Workshop: A Smart Approach to Exhibit Design with Gerry Adams of Media Rare Inc.
Has your museum ever wondered how to approach exhibit design on a budget? Organizations that lack the multi-million dollar budgets to stage elaborate exhibits can still put together world-class educational opportunities to display their historical artifacts and unique history. Museum exhibit consultant Gerry Adams will explore the possibilities in this three hour pre-conference workshop.
Pre-conference Tours:
Bluff Cottage Tour with Phil Porter, Mackinac State Historic Parks
Nature Tour (Bike Tour) with Jeff Dykehouse, Mackinac State Historic Parks
Historic Downtown Walking Tour with Katie Cederholm, Mackinac State Historic Parks
Three Keynotes include:
· The Heritage of Mackinac
· A Picturesque Situation: Mackinac Before Photography
· The Past, Present and Future of the Mackinac Bridge
Breakout sessions include:
History of the Fur Trade Revealed through Archaeology
A Tale of Two Eras: Early Island Visitors and Story of Mackinac College
Beware the Killers: Identifying and Protecting Your Collections from Agents of Deterioration
Wood, Steel and Ice: The History of the Straits of Mackinac Railway Ferries
Family Life at the Fort
First-Person Interpretation for Historical Organizations
The Anishnaabek at the Straits of Mackinac: Reclaiming Traditions and our Ancestors
History of Ste. Anne de Michilimackinac: the Oldest Parish in Michigan
Music of Mackinac
Living on the Island Year-round

Special access to Fort Mackinac – for State History Conference attendees only!

The conference features special access to Fort Mackinac on Saturday evening. The Grand Hotel will be catering a special outdoor BBQ and costumed staff of the Mackinac State Historic Parks will be on-hand to help attendees explore the fort's structures and grounds!

For more information visit or email us at

The Historical Society of Michigan
1305 Abbot Rd.
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: (517) 324-1828
FAX: (517) 324-4370
Can you believe summer is almost gone - once again a general list of available titles and we'll see who is interested in what class - adults as well as students are invited to each class - if adults want an enrichment class, those can be arranged as needed.
Writing the Research Paper
Introduction to Shakespeare
American Literature
British Literature
Beginning Writing
US History
European History
World History
American Government
Music Theory
Voice/Instrument lessons


The Copper Country Christian School is looking for players to fill out the roster on their soccer team. Practice begins on Monday, Aug. 17th at the MTU soccer field from 3:45-5:30pm. The cost is $50 per player and helps to defray travel expenses, field rental and reffing fees. The first game is Monday, Aug. 24 and the season ends the middle of Oct. For more information, contact the coach, Mike (withheld for archive). The CCCS has been very welcoming of homeschoolers in the past and the current team already has a couple of players from our group.--
CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.