Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pipe Organ Events, Copycat Books, Library Summer Programs,

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Here are some upcoming pipe organ events in Calumet.

At the Keweenaw Heritage Center at St. Anne's:
Most days, M-F, 2:00 - 3:00 pipe organ matinee
Wed., August 5, 7:00 Celebration Concert
Mon., August 24, 7:00 pm Gospel Concert and Hymn Sing

Friday, August 7 6:30-9:00 First Fridays in Calumet will feature an Organ Mini-Crawl at KHC and the Calumet Art Center. Hear and visit both organs. The art galleries and cafes are also open late. Music, art, treats--what a great feast for the creative spirit!

Calumet Art Center:
Sunday, November 1, 4:00 All Saints Day recital, featuring the organ with other instruments and singers.

Look for posters for other events at the KHC, Art Center and Theatre. What a busy summer!
Introducing Copycat Books... a series of copywork e-books designed especially for homeschooling families featuring copywork models written in traditional, modern and italic handwriting styles.

Copycat Books are being developed by a Christian homeschooling mother to provide other busy parents and teachers with a convenient, orderly, meaningful and economical collection of copywork models for their students.

Check our website today to see samples of all our e-books, as well as FREE printables!

We kindly request that you add the link to Copycat Books to your group's newsletter, Yahoo group, blog, and/or website. Thank you!
Library Offers More Summer Programs

As part of the Summer Reading Program schedule of events, the Portage Lake District Library continues to offer programs that reflect the theme "Be Creative at Your Library."

Brian (withheld for archive), a local educator and naturalist who sings with birds, wanders through swamps, runs with deer, climbs trees, gets really dirty, eats wild plants, and loves to be wild will present "Creative Games to Connect Kids with Nature" on Monday, July 27, at 6:30 p.m.

Rajdl invites children and parents to learn and play games that invisibly teach how to connect with one's sense of place. Participants will go on a Field Guide treasure hunt, learn how to find their animal name, share in a nature story circle, and let their imaginations go wild with games like Animal Track Mystery, Deer Bounding Challenge, Blind-fold Drum Stalk, Silent Fox Walking, Dancing Animal Forms, Seeing with Owl Eyes, Listening with Deer Ears, Sing Animal Noises, and Building a Nature Museum.

Non-readers will need adult help for a few games. Participants are asked to bring a personal nature encounter story or share something from their nature collection or both. Parents will have a packet to continue these games at home.

On Thursday, July 30, at 6:30 p.m., Sylvia (withheld for archive) will present "The Art of Henna." Schourek, a local dance instructor, choreographer, and artist, will discuss the history of this Indian art, its uses, and the art and symbolism behind it. She will explain how to make henna so participants can learn how to do this traditional art form themselves. (withheld for archive) will also do henna designs on participants at no cost.

Children are invited to Storytimes every Monday at 11:00 a.m. with Maria Sliva, and every alternating Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. with members from the Houghton High School Key Club. These programs include stories and a project.

All library programs are free, and everyone is invited to attend.

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.