Sunday, February 15, 2009

college prep, science field trips, poster contest...

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Copper Country Home Educators

Dr. Sharnnia Artis Offers College Preparation Workshop at Portage Library

Dr. Sharnnia Artis of Dayton, Ohio, will present Growing from Ordinary to Extraordinary at the Portage Lake District Library on Saturday, February 21, at 1:00 p.m.

Growing from Ordinary to Extraordinary is an interactive session for middle and high school students who are looking for ways to go to college for free (or at least get part of tuition and fees covered by another party). The key to a "free ride" is preparing early and growing from ordinary to extraordinary.

Students will learn how strategies for excelling academically, succeeding professionally, and positively impacting the community can result in receiving scholarships to pay for college. Additionally, students will break into small groups by grade level to complete a college planning checklist and receive constructive feedback about their college preparation tactics. Students will leave this workshop knowing the ins and outs of the college and scholarship application process.

Dr. Artis is an author, researcher, engineer, world traveler, and motivational speaker. She established the Foundation for Extraordinaire in the public schools of Portsmouth and Chesapeake, Virginia, where she graduated in the top one percent of her high school class with a 4.2 grade point average and over $100,000 in scholarships and awards for the college of her choice.

Dr. Artis attended Virginia Tech to pursue a degree in engineering. She graduated with her Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Doctorate of Philosophy degrees in industrial and systems engineering. She served as president of the Virginia Tech Chapter of the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), president of Theta Phi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and president and public relations chairperson of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Additionally, she received numerous honors and accolades including NSBE's Graduate Student of the Year, Virginia Tech's Graduate Woman of the Year, the National TRIO Achiever and others.

Dr. Artis has journeyed internationally to present her research and give inspirational talks in Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas, France, Italy, Belgium, Ghana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Currently, she is a human factors engineer for a consulting firm near Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Artis believes that all things are possible and is an advocate for encouraging individuals to move beyond ordinary to achieve their greatest potential.


Lake Superior Youth Symposium May 14-17in Duluth

For $125 our students can spend 2 days of intensive hands-on science in Duluth. Our 2 oldest kids went to this when it was in Big Bay a couple years ago and it was a great experience for them.

If anyone is interested in having their kids in 8th through 12th grade attend this, email me at (withheld for archive) and I will coordinate. It is a first come first served kind of thing with an April 1st deadline for application. Transportation could be provided by MTU for up to 40 students, but we should identify out intentions early. Please RSVP to me by March 13, 2009, or email with questions in the meantime.

(withheld for archive)

Dear Teachers of grades 8-12 students:

It's time to register for the 2009 Lake Superior Youth Symposium to be
held May 14-17 in Duluth, MN at the College of St. Scholastica. Take a
look at the exciting program planned and register NOW! The program,
event descriptions, and registration form are attached. Registration
deadline is April 1st, and 20% down is required at registration. There
are spaces for about 250 students.

The Western U.P. Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental
Education is offering FREE transportation for 40 students and teachers
in four Michigan Tech 12-passenger vans. Funding is being provided by the Lake
Superior Stewardship Initiative grant from the Great Lakes Fishery Trust
and Wege Foundation.

If you would like to take advantage of the free transportation offer,
please email a list of students & teachers from your school who would
like to use the FREE transportation in MTU vans. There are 40 seats
available on a first come basis.


at the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN

Thursday-Sunday, May 14-17, 2009

For students & teachers (Grades 8-12) in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario who live in or care about the watersheds of Lake Superior and the Great Lakes

Register on-line for the symposium at:


We are offering a one day option on Friday, May 15th for students and their teachers that are unable to attend the entire symposium but would still like to learn about Lake Superior. It is called the Lake Superior Sampler and is available for $12 a person and includes lunch.

Greetings from the Symposium Coordinators

The Lake Superior Youth Symposium Steering Committee welcomes you to the 8th Biennial Symposium on the campus of The College of St. Scholastica in Duluth Minnesota. Duluth is located in the westernmost part of Lake Superior, and boasts dramatic hills, over 50 local streams, large green spaces, and a rocky shoreline.

Lake Superior is truly an extraordinary place! The lake's pristine beauty and frigid waters inspire and awe residents and visitors alike. Equally special is the watershed, where forests, wetlands, lakes and bedrock cover the landscape and lively trout streams tumble toward the lake. Lake Superior contains one-tenth of the world's supply of fresh water and one-half of all the water in the Great Lakes. It has the largest surface area of any freshwater lake in the world.

Despite its immense size, Lake Superior is surprisingly fragile. Today, algal blooms in bays, contaminated sediments in harbors, and the impact of global climate change looms large.

Global Climate Change is a complicated issue. It has broad implications on the region's natural resources, its economy, and our health and welfare.

Together, as students, teachers, and citizens, let's address the issues and confront the challenges!

Symposium participants will attend presentations and field trips, listen to keynote speakers, and participate in a voyageur rendezvous. Students and teachers will be able to select the sessions they wish to attend on their registration form.

See you soon!

(withheld for archive)


(withheld for archive)



Future Fuels From Forests

Another science opportunity for our 9th through 12th grade students.
Attached is a pdf version of the brochure that describes the field trip
opportunity (please go to the website to view the brochure).
. Please respond to (withheld for archive) by February 20,
2009 if you have an interest in your highschool age student attending
this. I will coordinate the effort to secure one of the 4 dates for our
students. At this point, I haven't heard that any of the potential
dates are filled yet, so I would just start with the March 18th date.
If you have any questions, please let me know and I can help get it

(withheld for archive)

/Future Fuels from Forests - /FREE High School Field Trips
(see brochure posted at:

... available for high school classes to learn about forest biofuels
from scientists engaged in cutting edge research.

An excellent opportunity for:

· Physics classes

· Chemistry classes

· Biology classes

These field trips will provide a framework for high school students to

examine the multiple issues associated with the development of liquid
biofuels from forests in the Upper Peninsula.

*_Dates Available _*(first-come basis)*__*

Wednesday, March 18*__*

Friday, March 20*__*

Wednesday, March 25*__*

Friday, March 27*__*

*Class Size**can accommodate up to 24 high school students.

Time Schedule
*9:00-9:45 *am /Biofuels in the Gas Tank What Does It Take? (Overview

*10:00-11:15 * /Ethanol Production in Lab: Cellulosic Biomass to Fuel/

*11:30-Noon * LUNCH at Wadsworth Hall

*12:15-1:15 pm* /Getting Trees from Forest to Processing Plant /

*1:30-3:00 * /Forest Resource Management: Impacts on Avian Biodiversity

& Forest Productivity /

*3:00 * Questions & Summary

*3:15 pm* Students depart

For more information, visit:
Science Fair at MTU March 30th

register by February 27th. See the below website for more information


Your Students are Invited to Enter the 2009 Earth Day Poster Contest

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) invites students to celebrate Earth Day 2009 by competing in a Poster Contest! The DEQ will select 1st and 2nd place winners from each grade level, Kindergarten through 5th grade. The winners will be invited to receive their awards at our Earth Day Celebration on Wednesday, April 22, 2009.

Who? Any student from Kindergarten through 5th grade is eligible to participate.

What? We are looking for posters that celebrate Earth Day! Earth Day is a celebration of our environment: the air, water, land, resources, wildlife, and ecosystems. The posters must have an Earth Day theme. For more information, check out:

  • The DEQ's Environmental Education website:

Poster size must be 11" x 17", in full color or black and white, with media consisting of crayon, pencil, colored pencil, watercolor, pen and ink (marker), or paint.

Where? The winners of the Earth Day Poster Contest will be honored and presented their awards at Constitution Hall in Lansing, Michigan on Wednesday, April 22, 2009. The presentation will be part of our Earth Day 2009 Celebration.

When? All original entries must be received by February 13, 2009. Winners will be notified by March 20, 2009. The awards presentation for the winners will be held on April 22, 2009.

Midwest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati
April 16-18th

As many homeschool families were snowed-in at the end of January, and some were without power...

And, as we're still putting the finishing touches on the SPEAKER SCHEDULE so we can publish it on the website - including Session TOPICS & DESCRIPTIONS...

We've extended the EARLY-BIRD DISCOUNT REGISTRATION for at least another week or so.

We're extremely excited to be able to bring you 200+ Seminar / Workshop sessions at this year's convention. And, we'll have those sessions published on the website very soon!

And, we're equally excited to have an Exhibit Hall that will feature nearly 200 Exhibitors. (You can check on the entire list by clicking here)


We're honored an incredible Speaker Roster for this year's convention. Over the past week or so, we've posted a few more "Speaker Spotlights" on the Convention BLOG. These blog posts include more information on both the Featured Speaker as well as the planned Topics and Descriptions that they will present at the convention.

Please follow the following BLOG links...

Amanda Bennettof Amanda Bennett Unit Studies & always a HUGE favorite!

Dr. Jay Wile of Apologia Ministries. Dr. Wile's sessions are always full!

Dr. Jim Stobaugh of For Such a Time as This COLLEGE PREP Resources, and also with a fabulous session that husbands will love to attend.

Stephen Guffanti, M.D. sharing his expertise & personal experience with ADHD vs. Kinesthetic Learners.

And the very practical, often funny, always loved Carol Barnier of Open Gifts...with wonderful insights for "distractible moms" and for moms with "distractible children."

And, when you visit the BLOG, you will find more information this year's convention participation by Dr. Susan Wise Bauer, John Stonestreet, Mike Byster (The Walking Calculator) and more!

Interest in the WORLDVIEW Teen Track with John Stonestreet of Summit Ministries has been incredible. And, we'll be posting those Session Topics & Descriptions very soon on the convention website. Don't forget, the WORLDVIEW Teen Track is INCLUDED in the Family Registration. (There is no additional "per teen" charge!)

If you have a question, it is very likely that you will find it has been answered already on the Frequently Asked Questions page. And, if it hasn't been, please email us and we'll answer just as quickly as we can!

In closing, thank you for your interest, your encouragement and your suggestions!

Please make sure all of your homeschooling friends (or those considering homeschooling) know about this very affordable event! (Already, Homeschoolers from fourteen (14) different states have registered for this year's convention!) It is going to be a wonderful time of encouragement, education and inspiration. Don't Miss It!

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Brennan & Mary Jo Dean
MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.