Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lake Linden School Forest Field Trip, Piano Lessons, Treat Street, Items to Remember, Call for Authors and Blogs

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Lake Linden School Forest Field Trip – Tomorrow!!

3 to 4 families have responded with plans to attend the field trip on Friday at the Lake Linden School Forest.  With that number, it will be OK to confirm the field trip.  The cost is $25, to be split among attending families.. which is still a good price.

 If you plan to attend and want to RSVP, send a note to (withheld for archive) .  If you don't RSVP and still want to bring your kids, just show up… 1:30—Lake Linden school forest- the more the merrier!  There will be tree identification books there, but if you have a favorite your family likes to use, you are welcome to bring it. Should be a good time!  (The heated cabin will be open for us to use and the field trip starts and ends in there, so even if it is a bit cooler that day, we'll still be comfortable.)

DIRECTIONS TO THE SCHOOL FOREST:  As you travel along Hwy M-26 through Lake Linden, make a right turn on 9th Street (Bootjack Road).  Drive approximately 5 miles until you see the signs for the SCHOOL FOREST.  Turn left and go straight up to the top of the hill.  The road will lead you right to the School Forest main gate. If folks google lake linden school forest, they will find the info and a map to the site too.

Piano Lessons in Hancock -

My name is Angela (withheld for archive), and I am a piano teacher. I have several years of teaching experience, and am starting a home piano studio here in the Houghton/Hancock area. I homeschooled for several years during elementary and high school, and I actually taught piano lessons my senior year of high school. I'd love to connect with some homeschooling students who are interested in learning to play piano. I am friends with (withheld for archive); they introduced me to the home educator groups in this area, which is how my email to both of your groups has come about.

 I am open to teach during the day as well as late-afternoon and early evening. I charge $18 per half hour lesson, and I will teach out of my home in Hancock.  Simply contact me, Angela (withheld for archive)



Halloween, Treat Street -  

The Houghton Police Department as well as many downtown businesses will hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. There will also be a haunted house at the Police Department. The event takes place from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Items to Remember:

Parents' Night Out Quiz – CCHE wants to organize a monthly Parent's Night (or other) get together. Please take a moment to participate in the quiz that will help guide this event!

Open Swim at Finlandia University – every Thursday, 1-2pm ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). We've had an incredible turn-out. Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities!

Vote for Copper Country Humane Society – help them win a $2,000 grant. Just visit:

Community Comments/Questions:

CALL FOR AUTHORS – CCHE would like to start putting articles on one of their blog sites and Facebook fan page. This is a great way for our kids and parents to get published. If you have any ideas you'd like to try out – please contact me at: Different formats can be accommodated and full credit will be given to the author. Once enough articles are collected, there may also be an opportunity to have the book published!

To visit the sites where the articles would initially be posted – check out:

Do you have a blog? Many homeschool families maintain blogs to keep the extended families updated on activities. If you have a blog that is appropriate for all ages and caters to homeschooling, education or family – CCHE would love to link to it! Just email the link to me or if it is on just "follow" Thank you!

From Val (Updates Coordinator):

I will be out of town for the next few days. Hopefully nothing will come up over the weekend. I'll send out another "Update" when I return.


Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Gymnastics (Today), LL Forest Fieldtrip (RSVP Today), CCHE Board Meeting Highlights, Young Adult Readers, Family Engineering Night, Slime-Time Field Trip, Spectrum Training, 4th Thursday in History, Call for Authors, etc

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


Gymnastics Starts – Today!!

The gymnastics program is set to start on Monday October 25th (starting at 2:45 for K & under and 3:30 for school-aged kids) at the E-center Gymnasium (the Gymn in the Little Gem building in Lake Linden). Please see the linked pamphlet for registration information:


If you have further questions please call (withheld for archive)


Fieldtrip to Lake Linden School Forest (RSVP TODAY!)

On October 29th (Friday) at 1:30 p,m. at the Lake Linden School Forest we will have another field trip as described below.  Depending on the number of families that attend, it could cost ~$4 or so per family.  Bring your tree guide books and other plant identification material.  We will have a great time, again!

Tree Identification and Determining Forest Types

 Michelle (withheld for archive), from MTU and her husband Justin, a licensed consulting forester, will lead us in a forestry field trip at the Lake Linden School Forest on Friday, October 29th at 1:30. We will be identifying trees using dichotomous keys and field guides, along with determining the forest types by observing the soil and ground vegetation present.

Justin will also demonstrate the high-tech tools foresters currently use to take forest measurements and we will compare these with the tools used in the past.

Please RSVP to (withheld for archive) TODAY (Monday October 25th) so that we can determine the level of interest in the field trip.  We hope to get at least 4 or 5 families so that we can share in the reasonable cost ($25) of the field trip and keep these opportunities coming for our students!  If you aren't sure you can come and you don't RSVP, you are still very welcome to just show up, but we need enough families to confirm so that we can commit to the field trip.   Thanks!


CCHE Board Meeting Highlights -

On Thursday, October 14th CCHE hosted a Parents' Night Out in which general homeschooling resource materials were shared.  Additional topics of discussion at the Parents' Night Out included the reasons for/benefits of homeschooling and how to convince skeptical family of your choice to homeschool.


This was followed by the quarterly board meeting -


Oct 2010 Meeting Highlights:

From Val – Please email any comments or suggestion you have for the webpages/bookstore/etc. to

Interest in Young Adult Readers Program -

Is anyone interested in participating in a book club for young adult readers? The Portage Lake District Library is seeking input towards organizing such a group. Contact Chris at the PLDL if you are interested.

Chris (withheld for archive)


Family Engineering Night - PLDL


This is a great opportunity for parents and kids to have fun while working together to solve science and engineering design challenges.
Family Engineering Night
Monday, November 1
6:00 - 7:30 p.m
Grades K-6
See you there!
Chris (withheld for archive)


Slime-Time Field Trip at PLDL -

On Tuesday, November 9th at 1 pm at the Portage Lake Library,   the MTU Society for Biomaterials is going to show our 4th through 12th grade students about Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering!!


Slime Time Hands-On Lesson & Career Opportunities!!


The Society for Biomaterials is a national society student chapter at Michigan Tech who show interest in the advancement of math and science in the field of biomaterials.


The Slime Time presentation consists of a brief talk about engineering and biomaterials.


After the short presentation, students divide into groups and are shown different biomedical devices, such as a knee and hip prosthesis, stents, and many other devices.


Students are asked to identify what types of material properties they feel would be important to consider for this device and that they think could be made better.


Following the presentation of the devices, students get to make slime using solutions of borax, glue, and food coloring (my kids have made this before). The slime is used to demonstrate viscoelastic material properties and how this relates to the body, and why it is important for the design of biomedical devices.


Please bring a quart size Ziploc bag that seals well, for each of your students – 4th grade thru highschool that will be participating.  Younger siblings and parents are welcome to attend and help their 4th – 12th grade siblings/children.


RSVP with your number of students to (withheld for archive) by the end of the day November 5th if you know that you plan to attend, so that we can get an approximate count (like ~5 vs. ~30) of students attending so that we have enough supplies available.  Please come even if you didn't get a chance to RSVP, though.


Spectrum Training Systems – Appleton, WI

November 10th: "Preventing Special Education Due Process Through Effective Educational Collaboration"


With Patrick Schwarz, Ph.D., a Professor of Special Education, and Chair of the Diversity in Learning & Development Department at the National-Louis University in Chicago.  He received his doctorate in Special Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and instructs a number of different subjects such as: individualized curriculum and instruction; transition; socio-emotional supports; differentiated instruction; introduction to children and adolescents with exceptional educational needs; and collaborative and consultative teaming and teaching.


Strategies for immediately applying special education collaborative success will be shared in this dynamic workshop.  Topics include effective teaching, information recording, data-progress procedures, interpersonal relationship building, active listening and problem-solving.  Dr. Schwarz has been a vital part of many due process procedures serving as an expert witness and has experienced first-hand what is needed to prevent due process. He will use this knowledge in providing the most important and current information for making teaching and recording procedures valuable and accountable.


November 11th: "No More Meltdowns: Handling Challenging Behaviors & Teaching Social Skills"


With Jed Baker, Ph.D., the Director of the Social Skills Training Project in Maplewood, New Jersey. He writes, lectures, and provides training across the country on the topic of social skills training for individuals with Asperger Syndrome and related Pervasive Developmental Disorders. His work has been featured on ABC World News, Nightline, the CBS Early Show, and the Discovery Health Channel.


Students on the autism spectrum often present with difficulty regulating their feelings and interacting socially. This interactive workshop describes how to handle meltdowns and design effective behavior plans to prevent these moments and reduce frustration and anxiety. The second part of the presentation details strategies to motivate students to learn, ways to teach social skills, how to generalize skills into the natural setting and increase acceptance and tolerance from peers.  


One day fee: $140 

Two day fee: $205 


Visit web page for more information and registration


Fourth Thursday in History -
Copper Country Calamities 

Fires have been all-too common in Copper Country history, and have had a major impact on the communities we live and work in today. Join Avis of the Houghton-Keweenaw County Genealogical Society as she presents an illustrated discussion of some of the dramatic blazes that occurred between 1869 and 1959, and describes how they have affected our history. 

West has been investigating historic fires and other calamities for several years. She will explain why fires in the past were so bad they could destroy an entire town, describe how some of those communities rebuilt, and explain why others did not. She will also highlight the technological advancements that have made communities safer over time: the invention and installation of call boxes; fire hydrants; and pumpers have made communities much more responsive to the dangers of fire. West's work examines not only the way Copper Country communities have changed because of fire, but more importantly, highlights peoples' resiliency in the face of difficult and challenging times.    

This program will be held at 7:00 pm on Thursday, October 28th, at the Calumet Township Fire Hall, located at 56825 Mine Street, in Calumet, Michigan. It is part of the Fourth Thursday in History program sponsored by Keweenaw National Historical Park. 

The Fourth Thursday in History series arranges public presentations on important aspects of Copper Country and regional history, including techniques for historic preservation. Presentations are scheduled in venues throughout the Keweenaw Peninsula, particularly at historic sites associated with specific topics. They are free and open to the public.  

For further information, including specific directions to this event, contact Keweenaw National Historical Park (withheld for archive), or check the web at 


Items to Remember:

Parents' Night Out Quiz – CCHE wants to organize a monthly Parent's Night (or other) get together. Please take a moment to participate in the quiz that will help guide this event!


Open Swim at Finlandia University – every Thursday, 1-2pm ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). We've had an incredible turn-out. Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities!


Vote for Copper Country Humane Society – help them win a $2,000 grant. Just visit:


Community Comments/Questions:

CALL FOR AUTHORS – CCHE would like to start putting articles on one of their blog sites and Facebook fan page. This is a great way for our kids and parents to get published. If you have any ideas you'd like to try out – please contact me at: Different formats can be accommodated and full credit will be given to the author. Once enough articles are collected, there may also be an opportunity to have the book published!

To visit the sites where the articles would initially be posted – check out:


Do you have a blog? Many homeschool families maintain blogs to keep the extended families updated on activities. If you have a blog that is appropriate for all ages and caters to homeschooling, education or family – CCHE would love to link to it! Just email the link to me or if it is on just "follow" Thank you!


From Val (Updates Coordinator):

I spent last week making sure your privacy and personal information is protected. All archived posts are now edited to remove contact info and the contacts used to produce the "Updates!" were all organized and confirmed. Please let me know if you have any further concerns about your privacy or how your personal information is used/stored by Copper Country Home Educators.


You may remember that I've sent out the link for Teachers Pay Teachers before but it deserves repeating. This website lets teachers (including homeschooling parents) sell lesson plans, worksheets and other originally designed educational materials. So if you make your own lesson plans or worksheets and would like to make a little money – check it out. Additionally, Teacher Pay Teachers offers some free materials (10 each week). Here's a couple from this week that I found interesting…


Math Connection for Literature - "Holes" By Louis Sachar -


Art/Technology Connection – Self Portraits


U.S. History – Alexander Hamiliton, St. Croix and Slavery


Other free materials (over 8,000!):



Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Whooo's in Houghton Coordinator Needed NOW, Fieldtrip to Lake Linden School Forest and Reminders: CCHE Survey, Open Swim, Chess Club, Gymnastics Starting, CCHS Voting Link

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


Please - Coordinator Needed for Raptor Education Program - ASAP 

This is a wonderful opportunity for our children and a great opportunity for you to become involved in the homeschool community! I had a great response to the cancelled show announcement and I really wish I could offer to coordinate this but I simply will not be in town. Coordination is not difficult, just email me and I can forward/coordinate with you BUT we need a coordinator NOW!


The "Whooo's in Houghton" Raptor Education Program is back on for Friday October 29th. 

This event is only open to grades 2-9. Kindergarten and 1st grade classes are not allowed – per the request of the presenters – due to the controlled environment required with live animals.

Local classes are invited to attend "Whoo's in Houghton?" at Michigan Tech on Friday, October 29th. The program is presented by the Upper Peninsula Raptor Rehabilitation Center of Gladstone, Michigan and will include two live birdsa Great-Horned Owl and a Barred Owlas well as, several other "surprise" species.

This unique event is sponsored by The Wadsworth Hall Student Association (WHSA) of Michigan Technological University. WHSA volunteers will do small group activities with the students to further enhance their learning experience.

PROGRAM LENGTH:  1 hour. Program length can be adjusted upon request. 

LOCATION:  Michigan Technological University, Douglass Houghton Hall Front Lawn (outside).

Participants must provide their own transportation to Michigan Technological University.

COST:  Free! (But you may want to bring money as past events of this nature have had souvenirs for sale)

More Information here:

Fieldtrip to Lake Linden School Forest

On October 29th (Friday) at 1:30 p,m. at the Lake Linden School Forest we will have another field trip as described below.  Depending on the number of families that attend, it could cost ~$4 or so per family.  Bring your tree guide books and other plant identification material.  We will have a great time, again!

Tree Identification and Determining Forest Types

 Michelle Miller, from MTU and her husband Justin, a licensed consulting forester, will lead us in a forestry field trip at the Lake Linden School Forest on Friday, October 29th at 1:30. We will be identifying trees using dichotomous keys and field guides, along with determining the forest types by observing the soil and ground vegetation present.

Justin will also demonstrate the high-tech tools foresters currently use to take forest measurements and we will compare these with the tools used in the past.

Please RSVP to (withheld for archive) by noon on Monday October 25th so that we can determine the level of interest in the field trip.  We hope to get at least 4 or 5 families so that we can share in the reasonable cost ($25) of the field trip and keep these opportunities coming for our students!  If you aren't sure you can come and you don't RSVP, you are still very welcome to just show up, but we need enough families to confirm so that we can commit to the field trip.   Thanks!  



Parents' Night Out Quiz – CCHE wants to organize a monthly Parent's Night (or other) get together. Please take a moment to participate in the quiz that will help guide this event!


Open Swim at Finlandia University – every Thursday, 1-2pm ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). We've had an incredible turn-out. Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities!


Home School Chess ClubMeets at Bethany Baptist Church in Dollar Bay every 2nd and 4th Friday. Next meeting: Friday October 22nd at 3:00pm


The gymnastics program is set to start on Monday October 25th – at the E-center Gymnasium (the Gymn in the Little Gem building in Lake Linden). Please see the linked pamphlet for registration information:


Vote for Copper Country Humane Societyhelp them win a $2,000 grant. Just visit:

Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Parents' Night Out Quiz, Coordinator for Raptor Program Needed ASAP, Gymnastics Starts, Wellness Program, Harvest Powwow, Calumet Theatre Events, Haunted House, Online Algebra Classes, Items to Remember, Notice of Change in Contact Info Policy

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


Parents' Night Out Quiz – Please Participate!

CCHE wants to organize a monthly Parent's Night (or other) get together. Please take a moment to participate in the quiz that will help guide this event!


Coordinator Needed for Raptor Education Program - ASAP 

The "Whooo's in Houghton" Raptor Education Program is back on for Friday October 29th. Unfortunately, I (Val) had originally agreed to coordinate this event but I will not be in town for that date. It sounds like a great program, though, so I'm hoping one of the other parents will step up and offer to coordinate. The RSVPs can come to the cche email and be forwarded to whoever coordinates if the coordinator doesn't want their email address sent out. We must be registered by Tuesday the 26th at 5pm (the earlier the better) – so I really, REALLY need someone to volunteer today! Please just shoot me an email and I will give you the information. I can advertise the particulars to the group and receive/forward RSVPS as needed but I cannot do the registration or coordinate the day of the event. Thank you!


Gymnastics Starts – Monday the 25th!!

The gymnastics program is set to start on Monday October 25th at the E-center Gymnasium (the Gymn in the Little Gem building in Lake Linden). Please see the linked pamphlet for registration information:


If you have further questions please (withheld for archive)


Wellness Program – PLDL

The Portage Lake District Library will host the fifth monthly program in the natural health and wellness series on Wednesday, October 20, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.  

Professional Massage Therapist Angel Janssen will present "Tips to Relieve Headaches." She will teach participants self-help tips for relieving headaches that include using acupressure points, essential oils, abdominal massage, applications of heat and cold, vitamin supplements, posture, good body mechanics, yoga, and drinking sufficient amounts of water daily. 

Janssen is a licensed and nationally certified massage therapist with practices in Toivola and Hancock. She is also a certified instructor for LaStone Therapy and volunteers her time at Portage Hospital doing massage for people living with cancer. 

All programs in this series begin at 6:30 p.m., they are free, and everyone is welcome. No pre-registration is required. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit


Spirit of the Harvest Powwow – MTU

15th Annual Native American Speakers' Forum
October 22, 2010- 10:00am-2:00pm in the Rosza Center

15th Annual Native American Spirit of the Harvest Powwow
October 23, 2010 at the Student Development Complex
Grand Entry 1:00 & 6:00 pm
Dinner break from 5:00-6:00pm
Powwow ends at 8:00 pm

See poster:

More Information:


Upcoming Calumet Theatre Events

The Calumet Theatre has a few different events that may be of interest to homeschooling families including: Second City Comedy Troup on Friday October 22nd (Recommended for Adults Only), Omega House Fundraiser on Saturday October 23rd (concert and silent auction) and Arlo Guthrie on Friday October 29th (Folklorist & Musician). Check out their website here:


Howl-O-Scream Haunted House

At the Whirl-I-Gig in L'Anse

06:00 PM To 10:00 PM

Haunted House to benefit the Youth of Baraga County. Not for Young Children, Kids come early, Teens beware, Adults be afraid, be very afraid!

Contact Information: (withheld for archive)
Email: (withheld for archive)

Phone: (withheld for archive)


Online Algebra Classes

The owner of this website contacted CCHE about offering her classes. I checked out the site and felt it appropriate to share with you. The lessons and progress charts are free but there is an option for membership that lets you actively record the student's progress and removes the ads. Here is the information:

"Hello.  I am an algebra teacher at a public school.  Before teaching I worked as a Vice President in an information technology division.  I'm also a mom who cares about kids. 

 My daughter, brother and I have been developing a free online program specifically designed to help all kids learn algebra.   We believe it would be helpful for home school students too.

 Components of the program are:

¨      Over 190 online lessons that read aloud to students,

¨      Videos with teenage honor students explaining the math,

¨      Online quizzes, and

¨      Printable cross curricular "Famous Old Dudes" worksheets. 


Please try out our demo lessons at

Our home page is  From there, click the "Free Lessons" button.

There are printable student records for pre-algebra and algebra at

Kathy "

Please contact the owners of the site, directly, if you have any questions -

Remember - CCHE does not endorse this product or website, we are merely passing information along for services that homeschoolers in this area may find useful.


Items to Remember:

Open Swim at Finlandia University, every Thursday, 1-2pm ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). We've had an incredible turn-out. Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities!


Home School Chess Club – Meets at Bethany Baptist Church in Dollar Bay every 2nd and 4th Friday. Next meeting: Friday October 22nd at 3:00pm


Vote for Copper Country Humane Society – help them win a $2,000 grant. Just visit:


From Val (Updates Coordinator):

I received an email stating that our blog site had linked one of the Updates! with an inappropriate site. If in your travels across the internet – you find that our website or content is being linked with inappropriate information please pass along as much info as you can to me (especially any search terms you used and the website we were linked to).


Also, because of this, figured out a way to handle contact info for RSVPs and other event coordination in a more secure fashion. If you email me to advertise something (unless you tell me otherwise) I will email out an Updates! with the contact info you give in place but I will edit all contact info out of the Updates! before it is archived online. (I found out I could archive after the fact). The Archive will instruct people to contact me at Then I will forward any RSVPs or questions to the appropriate person, as necessary. I can also do this in the emailed Updates! for those that ask for this service but since this is a private group of local homeschoolers – I feel it appropriate to forward contact info to the group as a "routine". For those that had contact info accidently published on our blog site – have no fear – it will be removed at some point this week. If you have any concerns about the way contact info will be handled in regards to RSVPs, advertisements or other such contacts please contact me. Thank you.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Parents' Night Out, Suzuki Performance, Tennis Classes, Government Class with Casperson, Calumet Art Center Fundraiser, Copper Country Humane Society Support

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Parents' Night Out – TONIGHT!

Tonight, Thursday the 14th, 6:30pm at the Portage Lake District Library. We will be sharing our favorite general homeschool resources! Please come share what keeps you on tract and productive. Some ideas include any organizers you use, any series of home school parenting books you've read, grade books, favorite educational games, etc. Remember to bring examples if you can and a pen and paper to right down your favorites! This is a great opportunity to network with other homeschooling parents.

This event will be followed by our quarterly board meeting. You are welcome to stay and share ideas with us or go as you wish!

Suzuki Performance - PLDL

The Portage Lake District Library will host "Big Violins for Little People" on Tuesday, October 19, from 10:15 -11:00 a.m.

Children are invited to a musical introduction to the cello with Copper Country Suzuki Association instructor Maggie Twining and her students. Find out what makes these big instruments so much fun for little people! Children will have an opportunity to try out these instruments afterwards as part of a musical "petting zoo."

Everyone is welcome to attend and library presentations are free. For more information, please visit

Tennis Lessons – MTU Gates Tennis Center

MTU's tennis classes now includes classes for high school intermediate/beginner group starting October 21st running through Dec 9. The class will meet from 6p-7:30p on Thursdays (with the high school competitive group). See attached link for the revised brochure for information on ALL the tennis classes.

Kevin Kalinec
Manager, Sports and Recreation
Michigan Tech University

State Senate Candidate Casperson, Government Class - PLDL

The Portage Lake District Library will host an event at which students will have an opportunity to learn how state government works.

On Tuesday, October 19, from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m., Michigan State Senator candidate Tom Casperson will talk to local youth about the structure of state government and how it operates. Casperson will explain how a bill is introduced and becomes law and how the legislative process is designed to work. He will also explain the importance of becoming involved in leadership and learning who our representatives are.

This event is sponsored by local homeschoolers and is open to all public and homeschooled students in grades 5 through 12. There will be time for students to ask questions about state government afterwards.

Library programs are free and everyone is invited. For more information, please visit

Calumet Art Center Fundraiser

Saturday, Oct. 16, 7pm. at the Calumet Art Center - 57055 Fifth St.

This will be a performance of musical favorites featuring Mark Oliver, Monica Rovano and others with special Irish fiddle played by Libby Meyer in the beautiful performance hall of the center. Come and enjoy a perfect fall evening and hear the music you've been requesting. For more information, contact the center at (withheld for archive).

Support for Copper Country Humane Society

Once again the Copper Country Humane Society has a chance to win money and all you have to do to help this worth cause is click a link and vote for them!


Looking for another way to support the shelter without donating money or needed items? All they need is a little bit of your time! Help work the upcoming rummage sale during the following times and future pets will be very grateful (and it feels pretty good too)!

We still need help in Chassell on:
Friday set-up - 9:00 - Noon-ish
Friday sale - 3 - 8 p.m
Saturday clean-up - 11:30 - ? (Really need help hauling stuff to Goodwill/transfer!)

For more information, contact the Copper Country Humane Society at:

Dates to Remember:

Open Swim at Finlandia University, every Thursday, 1-2pm ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). We've had an incredible turn-out. Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities!

Gluten-Free Recipe Exchange on Monday, October 18, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., at Portage Lake District Library – this month's topic is gluten free bread.

From Val (Updates Coordinator):

Not much to say today – other than to apologize for being so late getting things out on the Updates! this week. It has been a busy week! Hope to see everyone tonight at the Parents' Night!

Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.