Friday, October 2, 2009

Storytime at Library, Kitchen Percussionists at Calumet Art Center, Learn to Skate Schedule Change, Organ Intro, Autism Career Planning Conference

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Storytime for the school year at the Portage Lake District Library will begin on Monday, October 5. Programs will be held every Monday from 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. and every Wednesday and Thursday from 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. During inclement weather, all sessions will follow school closings. 
Storytimes include listening to stories and a craft for young children and their loving adults. Everyone is welcome to attend and all programs are free.
For more information, please visit
A perfect thing to do on a maybe rainy Saturday afternoon--- Come to the Art Center and be part of a kitchen-utensil band!!!!  Be there- 3:00. 
If you have questions, Jane is at the Ed Gray Gallery on Thursday and you coud give her a call with questions (look under the E section of the phone book for Ed...).

  In the meantime-- find all the kitchen utensils you want to play!
 Will you please shoot out a reminder to all homeschoolers  about the Saturday event - 3:00 - 5:00 at the Calumet Art Center?  We would love to have a good group of youth come and work with dancer, Maria Formolo, and two awesome percussionists from NMU (they have young children and love working with them) on rhythm and music-making using kitchen utensils. If anyone has egg beaters - the hand kind - NOT ELECTRIC!!! - or things to make unusual sounds when tapped, scraped or the like, please bring. There will be a wonderful performance that the youth can be involved in also from 7 - 9 but they certainly are not required. The afternoon time should be just toooooo much fun. And the evening performance should be very creative and unusual. Maria and her percussionists make amazing events and performances.
Jane (withheld for archive)
Calumet Art Center
Due to a hockey game Sunday, October 11, there will be no Learn to Skate that day. As a result, the class will extend to October 25. Please pass this message along to other participants who may not receive this email.
 Hi everyone.
   Just a reminder that the Intro to the Pipe Organ workshop at the Calumet Art Center is being held this Friday, but the time was changed to 3:30 - 4:30.  (I'd forgotten about volleyball!)  There is a suggested donation of $2/child or $7/family, but if that is a hardship, don't worry about it--we're not turning anyone away!  No pre-registration is necessary, b/c we now have enough people signed up to offer the class, but not enough to fill the building!  Thank you to those who have already signed up.
  So that makes an even easier schedule for a picnic and staying for First Fridays in Calumet.  There will be music at the Calumet Art Center, and all of the galleries are open until 9:00. 
   The adult workshop is on Saturday from 9:30 - 11:00, w/ a suggested donation of $10. 
   Kathleen (withheld for archive) 
Help Young Adults with ASDs Transition to Careers!

After several years of planning, Spectrum Training is delighted to announce that our two day Autism Career Planning conferences are now ready.  After much dialogue with career planners, transition teachers, parents and other ASD concerned persons we planned these conferences to meet those specific, critical needs.

This high caliber career planning is the key to a successful future with positive long-term outcomes and is ESSENTIAL for:
*  Career counselors, job developers/job coaches, rehab administrators, vocational coordinators
*  Special education administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, case managers, therapists
*  Students, parents, caregivers, and young adults with ASDs (16+)
Dates and Locations

October 26-27 in Lansing, MI with James Emmett & Karen Steffan

November 16-17 in Indianapolis, IN with James Emmett & Karen Steffan

November 18-19 in Columbus, OH with James Emmett & Christopher Simler

Topic Schedule 

Conference Schedule Day One:

Career Planning   
A.  Introduction to ASD & Career Planning
B.  Communication Skills in the Initial Interview
C.  Interview Communication Graffiti Activity
D.  Structuring the Interview Environment
E.  Interview Structure Activity
F.  Theory of Mind
G.  Building the Career Portfolio
H.  Career Portfolio Development Activity
I.    Partnering with the Business Community
J.   Business Development Activity

Career Assessment   
A.  Creating the Evaluation Plan
B.  Assessment Processes for Job Seekers With ASD
C.  Skill/Interest Testing
D.  Assessing Social/Communication Skills
E.  Career Assessment Activity
Conference Schedule Day Two:

Workplace Supports
A.  Workplace Problems
B.  Natural Support Development
C.  Make/Take Workplace Supports
D.  The Classroom as Simulated Workplace
E.  Minnesota Work Adjustment Theory
F.  Environmental Analysis
G.  Work Values Graffiti Activity

Social Communication in the Workplace
A.  Social Coaching
B.  Basic Steps to Self Advocacy
C.  Courtesy Rule Card Activity
D.  Sins of the System
E.  How to Aid Understanding
F.  Conversation Speech Strategies
G.  Asking Questions and Listening Strategies
H.  Tools to Help Improve Social Communication
I.    Social Stories Activity
J.   Comic Strip Activity
K.  How to be a Competent Communicator
L.   Environmental Supports
M.  Social Interaction Checklist

Implementing the Career Plan
A.  Career Strategies in Action
B.  Final Wrap Up - Q & A Session

James Emmett is a national leader in development of employment services for persons with autism spectrum disorders as well as in assisting corporations in creation of outreach efforts to the disability and autism communities. He is an individual with a disability and a parent of three daughters with disabilities. James currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Integrated Behavioral Systems ( and is a Partner in the consulting firm Two Steps Forward ( He graduated with a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Illinois Institute of Technology. James recently completed 1.5 years working as the Disability Program Manager for Walgreens helping set up the company's national disability initiative ( He also assisted Easter Seals National in laying the foundation for their national autism services network.

Karen Steffan, MS, CRC has worked in the field of Rehabilitation and Transition for over 26 years and has been the LADSE Transition and Vocational Program Coordinator for the past 15 years. Karen's experience spans a broad spectrum of responsibilities including job development and placement, classroom instruction, program development, grant writing, professional development and training, project management, and program administration in public and not-for-profit sectors.  Karen provided employment, transition, and advocacy training to thousands of colleagues in private through university settings.  She has lead the Transition Alliance Next Steps Training Team for the past 20 years, training parents on the topic of effective transition planning. Karen has been a board member on local and state boards such as G&A Human Rights Committee, Illinois Job Placement Division, Suburban Access, Seguin Services and IAPSE.  She is a member of multiple professional associations including ACTE, NRA/IRA, ARC and Advocates United.

Christopher Simler, is the Chief Executive Officer and Autism Consultant for Integrated Behavioral Systems, Inc and is an Adjunct Professor at Elmhurst College. Christopher is classically trained as an Applied Behavioral Scientist specializing in the field of Autism supports, strategies, and curriculum development. As a Behavioral Scientist, Christopher applies his knowledge of leadership, program development, communication and instruction as key components in working with a person on the spectrum. Over the last thirteen years Christopher has worked with non-profits, school districts, transition programs, national associations and co-operative special education programs providing trainings, transition consultation and behavioral support. Christopher has twelve years of management and leadership within the field of social services. He has designed new teaching methodologies and restructured the environments in both public and private school's behavioral and transition programs. Christopher continues to work with agencies in the Illinois area providing a strong and successful future for people on the spectrum.
Two Day Professional:
Early Bird - $175 
Regular - $205

One Day Professional:
Early Bird - $125
Regular - $140

Two Day Parent or Young Adult:

One Day Parent or Young Adult:

Details are available on the following site:

Thank you!
Spectrum Training Systems, Inc.
(920) 749-0332
CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.