Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Artifact Display, Library Programs, Library Open House, Open Studio for Writers and Organ Recital

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email ccheupdates@gmail.com for further information.


Putting History on Display: Call for Artifacts for the Union Building
Interpretive Exhibit
When was the last time you looked in your attic? Maybe hidden away in the
far corners are personal artifacts from your family's history: a box of
home movies; family recipe cards, or mementos from the old country. Items
like these represent the personal side of the Copper Country's past, and
could be keys to revealing local history in Keweenaw National Historical
Park's upcoming exhibit at the Union Building: tentatively titled Risk and
Resilience in a Copper Mining Community.
The goal of the Union Building interpretive exhibit is to tell Calumet's
story from the perspectives of those who lived here. Over the next few
weeks, the park will be looking for items that help illustrate topics such
as immigration, religion, the Strike of 1913 and the Italian Hall, mining,
education, home life and foodways, healthcare, and recreation, as well as
events that were held at the Union Building over time. Although they might
seem like minor and unimportant objects on their own, an early 1900s
fishing creel, an employee badge from C&H, and a Calumet street light are
all important elements of the story and could be used in the exhibit. To
see a more complete list of artifacts that the park is looking for, please
visit the park's webpage at
Do you have an item that reveals an aspect of Calumet's history? Do you
think it should be on exhibit at the Union Building? If so, please contact
either Brian (withheld for archive) or Jeremiah (withheld for archive). We look forward to
your help in creating an exciting exhibit that reflects the area's diverse
Portage Library Offers Art, Film, and Workshop 
The Portage Lake District Library continues to offer a variety of programs for all ages and interests.
Advanced Master Gardener and Michigan Technological University Head Gardener Lynn (withheld for archive) will present "Art in the Falling of Leaves" on Monday, October 26, at 6:30 p.m.
"Although people often associate leaves with composting, there is more to them that is worth exploring and knowing about," Watson explained. She will describe how leaves grow, why they change from shades of green to the rich colors of autumn, explain why they fall, and detail the benefits to nature that fallen leaves bring. She will explain how  people have used leaves historically and their place in artistic expressions. "I love making art," Watson said, "and using fall leaves is one of the ways I do that."
Watson will present examples of leaf projects, and participants will take home recipe cards so they can make those projects for themselves.
On Monday, November 2, the made in Michigan award winning documentary "Where Do the Children Play?" will be shown at 6:30 p.m. The film addresses the decline of unstructured play by children, especially in nature, and its potential consequences. It incorporates research from doctors, urban planners, and educators with stories from parents and children, and also explores why children are losing access to green spaces.
There will be a community discussion immediately following the screening, and everyone is invited to participate.
This program is sponsored by the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education, the Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education, Get Outdoors Michigan!, the Western U.P. Summit Planning Committee, and the Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative.
On Saturday, November 7, an introductory workshop to "Falun Dafa, a Traditional Self-Cultivation Practice to Improve the Mind and Body" will be held from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Assistant professor in economics from Northern Michigan University, Hsinling Hsieh, PhD, will present a slide show about Falun Dafa and teach participants a series of gentle exercises that have brought better health and inner peace to millions around the world.
Falun Dafa is similar to yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation, and it is based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. The practice is simple, powerful, easy to learn, suitable for all ages, and free of charge. This workshop is for beginners and participants are asked to bring a yoga mat or blanket to use during the exercises.
Library programs are free and everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit www.pldl.org

Portage Lake District Library Welcomes Director, Changes Hours
Everyone in the community is invited to an Open House at the Portage Lake District Library on October 29 from 4 - 8 p.m.  It's an opportunity to meet the new library director, Shawn Leche, and learn about the library's new hours of service, which will start in November.
The new library hours will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. They will begin on Monday, November 2.
Leche is a professional librarian and businessman who was director of a public library in Colorado and founded a corporate library at Electronic Data Systems in Dallas. He has Master's degrees in Library Science and Business Administration.  He recently consulted with the Federal Republic of Germany on the feasibility of establishing a library in Cologne, Germany, modeled after American public libraries.
Leche is excited about the potential of the Portage Lake District Library to serve its community. "A library should have no walls," he says. "It should fit in seamless connection to the community. We have the technology to make this possible. The democratic vision of free public access to education and information is still at the heart of a public library."
He is working with library staff and the library Board of Trustees to plan more programs reaching out to various age groups and communities.
During the Open House, there will be drawings for Non-Resident Memberships and other items.  Live music will be performed .  Refreshments will be served. 
The Portage Lake District Library is on the waterfront at 58 Huron St., Houghton.
For more information, contact the library at 482-4570 or email at info@pldl.org.

The Calumet Art Center will present two events on Sunday, November 1.

The first is a WRITE-IN from noon to 3:00.  This is the equivalent of an open studio for writers.  It is a kick-off for NANO (National Novel Writing Month), you are welcome to attend if aren't participating in NANO.  It's simply a time dedicated to writing.  You should bring your own notebook or laptop.  For inspiration, plot twists, names, place names, etc., will be available for "adoption," or you might connect with a writing buddy.  If you don't have the whole afternoon, come for a little while.  For more information, call Ethan (withheld for archive).

At 4:00, Monica Rovano, voice, and Kathleen Alatalo-Arten, organ, will give a recital:  "Honoring Our Ancestors."  Suggested donation is $5.  Organ tours and cookies will follow.   For more information, call Kathleen (withheld for archive).

Contact any of us if you would like actual paper posters or flyers.  Thanks!
CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.