Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Seats Still Available for Upcoming Class Acts Events

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This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


Seats are still available for the following Class Acts events at the Rozsa Center at Michigan Tech.  Please consider taking time out of your school day to attend these worthwhile programs.

Luna Negra     (13 Seats Available)
Thursday, November 5 at 1:00pm
Dance is a powerful tool for exploring cultural identity.  We encourage students to explore the world around them, examine their own history and find their own voice to express their unique identity through dance. 
grades 7-12 
Garry Krinsky     (21 Seats Available)Wednesday, November 11 at 1:00pm
Toying with Science is a fast-paced, varied and dynamic program.  It combines circus skills, mime, original music, and audience involvement in the exploration of the scientific principles of gravity, leverage, fulcrums, and simple machines.  Garry and his audience investigate basic scientific information and delve into the imaginations of scientists who have played important roles in the exploration and discovery of concepts that define our world.
grades K-3
Hot Peas 'N Butter     (25 Seats Available)Thursday, November 12 at 1:00pm
Winners of the "Parent's Choice Award", Hot Peas 'N Butter is a unique children's musical group that incorporates elements of traditional Latin music, Afro-Caribbean rhythms, jazz, folk, and rock. By combining an interactive, invigorating approach to performance with mature, multicultural music, Hot Peas 'N Butter has developed a distinct way of inspiring care and creativity in kids and adults alike.
grades 4-6

Registration needs to be made through Sara (withheld for archive)to attend any of the shows through our homeschool groups (Copper Country Home Educators & Superior Home Educators).  Do not contact the Rozsa Center directly as I have already reserved seats for our groups.  Also, grade recommendations need to be observed for all performances.   The cost is  $1 per student due the day of the performance.

The mission of the Class Acts program is to present a diverse program of performing arts events for young audiences in the Copper Country Intermediate School District.  The program is designed to entertain and educate students and to enrich the school curriculum with performances by professionals from a broad range of disciplines.  Study guides are offered that provide teachers with background information so they can prepare students for their visits.
Through sponsorships and contributions, these organizations make the Class Acts events possible:
Friends of the Rozsa and the Rozsa staff, ThermoAnalytics, Inc., the Copper Country Intermediate School District, Jane Fryman Laird, Michigan Tech Alumna - 1968, and the Rebecca Sandretto and Susan Stackhouse Rozsa Center Endowment.

Windows 7: It helps you do more. Explore Windows 7.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Artifact Display, Library Programs, Library Open House, Open Studio for Writers and Organ Recital

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


Putting History on Display: Call for Artifacts for the Union Building
Interpretive Exhibit
When was the last time you looked in your attic? Maybe hidden away in the
far corners are personal artifacts from your family's history: a box of
home movies; family recipe cards, or mementos from the old country. Items
like these represent the personal side of the Copper Country's past, and
could be keys to revealing local history in Keweenaw National Historical
Park's upcoming exhibit at the Union Building: tentatively titled Risk and
Resilience in a Copper Mining Community.
The goal of the Union Building interpretive exhibit is to tell Calumet's
story from the perspectives of those who lived here. Over the next few
weeks, the park will be looking for items that help illustrate topics such
as immigration, religion, the Strike of 1913 and the Italian Hall, mining,
education, home life and foodways, healthcare, and recreation, as well as
events that were held at the Union Building over time. Although they might
seem like minor and unimportant objects on their own, an early 1900s
fishing creel, an employee badge from C&H, and a Calumet street light are
all important elements of the story and could be used in the exhibit. To
see a more complete list of artifacts that the park is looking for, please
visit the park's webpage at
Do you have an item that reveals an aspect of Calumet's history? Do you
think it should be on exhibit at the Union Building? If so, please contact
either Brian (withheld for archive) or Jeremiah (withheld for archive). We look forward to
your help in creating an exciting exhibit that reflects the area's diverse
Portage Library Offers Art, Film, and Workshop 
The Portage Lake District Library continues to offer a variety of programs for all ages and interests.
Advanced Master Gardener and Michigan Technological University Head Gardener Lynn (withheld for archive) will present "Art in the Falling of Leaves" on Monday, October 26, at 6:30 p.m.
"Although people often associate leaves with composting, there is more to them that is worth exploring and knowing about," Watson explained. She will describe how leaves grow, why they change from shades of green to the rich colors of autumn, explain why they fall, and detail the benefits to nature that fallen leaves bring. She will explain how  people have used leaves historically and their place in artistic expressions. "I love making art," Watson said, "and using fall leaves is one of the ways I do that."
Watson will present examples of leaf projects, and participants will take home recipe cards so they can make those projects for themselves.
On Monday, November 2, the made in Michigan award winning documentary "Where Do the Children Play?" will be shown at 6:30 p.m. The film addresses the decline of unstructured play by children, especially in nature, and its potential consequences. It incorporates research from doctors, urban planners, and educators with stories from parents and children, and also explores why children are losing access to green spaces.
There will be a community discussion immediately following the screening, and everyone is invited to participate.
This program is sponsored by the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education, the Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education, Get Outdoors Michigan!, the Western U.P. Summit Planning Committee, and the Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative.
On Saturday, November 7, an introductory workshop to "Falun Dafa, a Traditional Self-Cultivation Practice to Improve the Mind and Body" will be held from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Assistant professor in economics from Northern Michigan University, Hsinling Hsieh, PhD, will present a slide show about Falun Dafa and teach participants a series of gentle exercises that have brought better health and inner peace to millions around the world.
Falun Dafa is similar to yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation, and it is based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. The practice is simple, powerful, easy to learn, suitable for all ages, and free of charge. This workshop is for beginners and participants are asked to bring a yoga mat or blanket to use during the exercises.
Library programs are free and everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit

Portage Lake District Library Welcomes Director, Changes Hours
Everyone in the community is invited to an Open House at the Portage Lake District Library on October 29 from 4 - 8 p.m.  It's an opportunity to meet the new library director, Shawn Leche, and learn about the library's new hours of service, which will start in November.
The new library hours will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. They will begin on Monday, November 2.
Leche is a professional librarian and businessman who was director of a public library in Colorado and founded a corporate library at Electronic Data Systems in Dallas. He has Master's degrees in Library Science and Business Administration.  He recently consulted with the Federal Republic of Germany on the feasibility of establishing a library in Cologne, Germany, modeled after American public libraries.
Leche is excited about the potential of the Portage Lake District Library to serve its community. "A library should have no walls," he says. "It should fit in seamless connection to the community. We have the technology to make this possible. The democratic vision of free public access to education and information is still at the heart of a public library."
He is working with library staff and the library Board of Trustees to plan more programs reaching out to various age groups and communities.
During the Open House, there will be drawings for Non-Resident Memberships and other items.  Live music will be performed .  Refreshments will be served. 
The Portage Lake District Library is on the waterfront at 58 Huron St., Houghton.
For more information, contact the library at 482-4570 or email at

The Calumet Art Center will present two events on Sunday, November 1.

The first is a WRITE-IN from noon to 3:00.  This is the equivalent of an open studio for writers.  It is a kick-off for NANO (National Novel Writing Month), you are welcome to attend if aren't participating in NANO.  It's simply a time dedicated to writing.  You should bring your own notebook or laptop.  For inspiration, plot twists, names, place names, etc., will be available for "adoption," or you might connect with a writing buddy.  If you don't have the whole afternoon, come for a little while.  For more information, call Ethan (withheld for archive).

At 4:00, Monica Rovano, voice, and Kathleen Alatalo-Arten, organ, will give a recital:  "Honoring Our Ancestors."  Suggested donation is $5.  Organ tours and cookies will follow.   For more information, call Kathleen (withheld for archive).

Contact any of us if you would like actual paper posters or flyers.  Thanks!
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

4th Thursday in History, Mask Making at Calumet Art Center

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


From Europe to the U.P. – 1880 to 1920
Imagine walking down Hancock's Quincy Street, sitting in the balcony at the
Calumet Theatre, or waiting in line at the post office in Negaunee and
hearing Slovenian, Italian, French, Arabic, Finnish, and maybe even a
little English being spoken around you. This would have been the norm 100
years ago when the U.P.'s iron and copper ranges were home to more than 40
different ethnic groups. Come and hear Barry James of the Michigan Iron
Industry Museum explain why immigrants left their homelands and discuss
their shared experiences in getting to Michigan's iron and copper mining

.This event will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 22nd, 2009 at the
Houghton County Courthouse, located at 401 E Houghton Avenue in Houghton,
Michigan. It is part of the Fourth Thursday in History speaker series
sponsored by Keweenaw National Historical Park. Additional support for this
evening's program is being provided by the Houghton County Courthouse
For more information on the Fourth Thursday series, please call Keweenaw
National Historical Park at 906/337-3168 or visit

Mark your calendar for a morning of mask making at the Calumet Art Center on Friday October 30th from 10am until noon! 

Bring feathers, yarn, or other embellishments to decorate your mask.  The masks will be made from thin cardboard or that colorful foam sheet stuff.  Please also bring some glue and scissors for your family to use.

Suggested donation is a dollar or so per child, if you are able.
No need to RSVP, just show up and be ready to start being creative at 10am!
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Friday, October 16, 2009

TONIGHT!! Calumet Art Center Fundraiser and Potluck, MTU Field Trip, Harvest Pow Wow at SDC

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Tonight at the Calumet Art Center, at 6:30, there will be a potluck that everyone is invited to attend.  The fundraiser that some of our students painted canvases for will be for sale.  I believe the cost of the paintings will be $25.  The money from the sale of the paintings will be used to keep the utilities on at the Center so that it can remain open all winter.

Please consider coming to the potluck tonight, with even a simple snack for your family, and consider purchasing a painting.

If you aren't able to come to this fundraiser, but would like to support the Calumet Art Center, we are close in the process of becoming a non-profit organization.  Consider becoming a member (for $100) or make any size donation.  With this being the first winter the Art Center will be open in this old church, heating costs are a concern.  The donations will be used to keep the heat on!
Hope to see you there!
Calumet Art Center "Palette & Palate"...a tasty fun-raiser with the Calumet Art Center ! It's Friday Oct 16th. 50 paintings available...many area artists! A Harvest Fundraiser & Potluck. Bring a dish to pass...6:30pm until food and paintings are gone

I am in the process of organizing for our kids to attend the below described field trip about raptors, at MTU on October 29th in the afternoon.  One thing is, they will not allow anyone younger than 2nd grade to attend due to the controlled environment necessary for the presentation—so we will need to leave our babies behind.

I am going to request the 1:30 until 2:15 timeframe, but it is not certain we will get that time until over a week from now.
Please respond to (withheld for archive)by October 19th, if you are interested in attending.  Please identify the grade levels of your students.  Once I fill out the request form, I don't think we'll be able to add more students unless the public schools don't fill up the session with their students.
*A Michigan Technological University Event for Grades 2-9

"Whoo's in Houghton?"

Wadsworth Hall Student Association (WHSA) of Michigan Technological
University would like to extend an invitation to local grades 2-9
classes to attend a presentation by the UP Raptor Rehabilitation Center
of Gladstone, MI at MTU on Thursday, October 29.

The program, titled "Whoo's in Houghton?" will include 2 live birds: a
Great-Horned Owl and a Barred Owl.
(A Cooper's Hawk may also be in attendance - not confirmed at this time).

WHSA student volunteers will do activities with grades 2-9 students to
further the learning experience— showcasing wings, talons, eyesight and
animal pelts, to name a few!

Due to time and size constraints, this program will be on a _first come,
first serve basis._

*GROUP SIZE:*  Up to 100 students in grades 2-9 /at one time/.
Kindergarten and First Grade are not allowed/ due to the controlled
environment required with live animals.

*PROGRAM LENGTH:*  45 minutes. Program length can be adjusted upon request.

*LOCATION:  *Douglass Houghton Hall Front Lawn on Michigan Technological
University's Campus
(this will be an outdoor event). /Your classrooms must be able to
provide their own transportation to Michigan Technological University's
campus/. Dress for the weather!

*COST:  Free*!
 Subject: Noon-6 pm, Sat, Oct.24 - Spirit of the Harvest Pow-Wow at
Michigan Tech's Student Development Complex

Encourage students and their families to attend the
*14th Annual Spirit of the Harvest Pow-Wow
Noon-6 pm, Sat, Oct.24
**MultiPurpose Room of Michigan Tech's Student Development Complex *

World Renown Hoop Dancer & Native Flute Presentation
Special Presentations:
           Grand Entry - Noon
           Lowery Begay - 1:30 pm
           Pink Shawl Honor Song - 4:30 pm
Please come and enjoy the great music and wonderful sounds.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MTU Fall Community Programs, Open Swim at Finlandia, Fall Science Field Trip Evaluation, Suzuki Violins at Library

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Registration for the second session of Community Programs for Fall semester will begin Tuesday, October 20th, at 8:00 am. You may register for programs on-line at by clicking on the Community Programs and then Online Registration, or you may register in person at the SDC Ticket Office. If you are taking advantage of any discounts such as TechFit, SDC Membership, or sibling discounts, you MUST register at the SDC Ticket Office. Phone reservations are not accepted. The current brochure can be found online at
In our continuing effort to offer the best service and value, we would appreciate your opinion of the program(s) you or your child participated in during the past session. The information that emerges from your comments and suggestions will assist in identifying both positives and negatives in each program. As a result, we will strive to make adjustments to provide the best experience for you and your family.
Please take a moment to fill out our on-line survey at Feel free to make any additional comments that may be helpful in evaluating the program(s). If you would like to see a particular program or activity added, please let me know.
I may be contacted at (withheld for archive)if you have questions or concerns that need to be addressed personally.

Open Swim at Finlandia University will start up again this week on Thursday, Oct. 15 from 1:00-2:00pm.  The cost is $2 per person or $6 per family payable to the lifeguard.  The use of the gym is dependent on availability (i.e. Not being used by a class or athletic team for practice) until 2:30pm.  Parents please watch the clock and not over stay our welcome in the gym.  Finlandia doesn't have staff available to tell us when to leave.  There will be no open swim if Finlandia is closed due to the weather or for holidays.  Check for updates on dates surrounding Christmas and New Year's.  Questions - Call Sara (withheld for archive).
 Michelle Miller, from MTU, the presenter for the stream study portion of
our field trip, asks that anyone who participated in last week's field
trip to fill out the below form and email it back to her if you have any
comments on the event.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle (withheld for archive)Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:31 PM
To: Michelle Miller
Subject: Fall Field Trip Evaluation
Thank you again for scheduling a fall field trip! I hope your students
had a great time and learned a thing or two. I am attaching an
evaluation form and ask that you would please fill it out and return it
at your convenience.
Your responses really help us in developing the best field trips
possible for your students.
Thank you for taking the time to fill this out!

Coordinator's Name(s) __Amy Keranen___Grade __________
School _homeschool___
 Field Trip Location and  Date _October 8, 2009-- Traprock River
Field Trip Time _____1pm
Field Trip Theme   _____________________
_Fall '09 Forest Field Trip Evaluation Form_
***Please complete this form to help us make these learning
opportunities for students even better! Thanks!
1. How did your students respond to their forest field trip?
Enthusiastic   OK   Not interested
2. Was the length of the field trip appropriate?
Too short   Just right   Too long
3. Did you prepare your students before, or make extensions after, to
the topics   addressed in the field trip? Yes No
4. Did the field trip *_topics_* pertain to this year's curriculum? Yes
5. Can you suggest any topic(s) that would better enhance your fall
6. Did the field trip stimulate further scientific thought by students?
Yes    No
7. Were the presenters adequately prepared and did they manage the
appropriately? Yes No
8. Suggest ways to improve the Forest Field Trip program for next year.
9. We'd love to hear what your students had to say! Please include
direct quotes from your students that you'd like to share with us!
_ _
_ _
_Please return to:_
Michelle Miller, Field Trip Coordinator
Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics and
Environmental Education
105 Dillman, Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 49931 ~ Fax: (906) 487-1620 ~ Email:
Phone: (906)487-3341
Cell: (906) 281-2911
Fax: (906)487-1620
Portage Library Hosts Suzuki Performance 
The Portage Lake District Library will host a Suzuki stringed instrument performance for children and their parents on Tuesday, October 20, from 10:15 -11 a.m.
Instructors from the Copper Country Suzuki Association will present "Big Violins for Little People," a musical performance on viola and cello. They will also talk about what makes these big instruments so fun for little people.
Children will have an opportunity after the performance to try out these instruments as part of a big violin "petting zoo." Additionally, Amanda Plummer from Keweenaw Family Music will lead several musical activities involving the children and the big violins.
Everyone is welcome to attend and library presentations are free. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit
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