Wednesday, September 9, 2009

TWINING MATH CURRICULUM, Printable Charts, Library Gardening Program, PreSchool Worker Needed



New from Twining Mathematics: Michigan Supplements for Michigan Algebra and 8th Grade Math Classes
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Twining Mathematics is committed to helping all Michigan students achieve. Most text books do not cover all of Michigan's curriculum standards.
Twining Mathematics Mathops Curriculum now contains an online Michigan Supplement, developed under the guidance of Michigan teachers. Bridging this gap between common textbooks and current Michigan standards can be particularly beneficial to the homeschool parent and student.
For just $19.95 per student, you receive a full year of access to step by step online lessons with audio, videos, quizzes and downloadable worksheets to bridge the gap between the text book and Michigan's standards.
Along with the Michigan Curriculum students will get access to 175+ pre-algebra and algebra lessons, plus videos, online quizzes, worksheets, and more that are part of the Mathops pre-algebra and algebra curriculum.
View the Mathops demo page.
View a table of contents built just for Michigan standards.
Sign up now!


This year, as my middle kids get a bit older and can assume some of the schoolwork organization, I looked on-line to see if there were any charts to help with that task. I came across where there are charts for just about anything you can think of.

We are going back to trying to alternate days on a few subjects, so the "learning checklist" has the days of the week across the top and the subjects down the side. I'm going to put a check in the days of the week that the subject needs to be completed.

There is also an hourly schedule, which might get too narrowed down for us for school but I think it might come in handy some days for the total home schedule.

I thought I'd pass my finding along in case the chart jungle can help anyone else! Happy new year!


The Portage Lake District Library will present another evening of gardening wisdom and lessons in its continuing series of gardening programs.

Master Gardener and Michigan Technological University Head Gardener Lynn (withheld for archive) will present "Beautiful Bodacious Bulbs Explained (along with their neighbors tubers, corms, and rhizomes)" on Tuesday, September 15, at 6:30 p.m.

"Every season has its gardening tasks," Watson explained. She will discuss planting, sizing, dividing, and fertilizer timing for the fall care of garden bulbs. Below ground mysteries will be revealed as participants learn how to protect and preserve bulbs in order to enjoy mid-winter blooming.

Participants will have time to ask questions, and there will be examples to see and handouts to take home.

Library programs are free and everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit www.pldl,org


Do you know someone trained in early childhood caregiving who would work for two hours on Sundays mornings? Please have them contact us about applying for the following position:

Position: Toddler/Preschool Caregiver, during Sunday Services (9:30—11:30 AM)
For Grace Christian Fellowship Church, Pine St., Calumet, MI
Trained and Experienced in Early Childhood
Background Check Required
Monthly Rate compensation
Contact Church: (withheld for archive)

Thank you,
Pastor Merle and Gyngr (withheld for archive)

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