Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Math, Youth Shooting Camp, Big Thank You, Board Mtg

Archive Notice:
This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: “Updates!” All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Copper Country Home Educators
Math is Fun- sent in by one of our members
I thought this might be of interest to others seeking some relaxed learning this summer.
Check out for puzzles, games, activities and more.
Youth Shooting Sports Camp for ages 14-18 is coming up June 15 through 19. There are still some openings for interested youth. If you have a child, grandchild, neighbor, friend, or stranger ... please go on the website for an application as soon as possible. The cost is $25 for the week. Campers bring their own lunch each day .. no caffeinated drinks are allowed for the campers. Friday will be the highlight with a competition style match during the afternoon and time on the trap range after dinner and before the awards. A potluck style supper is open to families, friends and club members .. please RSVP to Judy (withheld for archive) for planning purposes.
Just a note about networking and ccheupdates
 The reason our updates works as well as it does is because our members send in information about activities that they think other home schoolers might be interested in.  Do you think  that those of us  who work on the updates know about all of these activities on our own?  Of course not :)  People send/ forward emails to <> and we send them out to our  group.  So,  we here at the updates  would like to thank  everyone who  sends in  activities,  websites, and  other information so that we can get it out to CCHE without you many things might be missed!  Keep sending your info in- this is everyone's chance to be active in Copper Country Home Educators.
Don't Forget- tomorrow, Thursday June 4 at 1pm, there is a CCHE Board mtg/ Tea and Cookies being held in Sara Fehringer's home. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Board Meeting  Set for Thursday, June 4
Time: 1:00pm
Followed by Tea and Cookies
Please join our Board as we vote on new board members and discuss summer plans and activities.  Consider joining our Board- we meet only 4 times a year to plan out activities and discuss CCHE business. It is a great way to get to know other homeschooling families and become involved in our community.
Where:  Sara F(withheld for archive) Home
Directions:  (withheld for archive)

Mariah will be on hand to help watch the younger children.

Please contact Mary (withheld for archive), Board Chairperson,  with any questions or suggestions.(withheld for archive)
CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.