Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Break Reminder, Chess Club, CCHE Articles, Meet Finlandia Day, Contacting Representatives to Help Disabled Children, WPA's Home Education Conference, KFRC Consignment Sale, Keweenaw Krayons Mardi Gras, etc

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email ccheupdates@gmail.com for further information.

Reminder of Spring Break –

Both Michigan Tech and Finlandia are on Spring Break this week. Please check to make sure whatever activity you have at either University is still being held. Swimming is cancelled any time Finlandia is closed.

Chess Club –

From Sharon Foix: We are canceling the homeschool chess meetings on March 25 and April 8 due to the 4H sponsoring chess with the MTU Chess Club during those weeks.  This is an opportunity to learn some new skills and play different people.  My kids attended last year.  It was organized well, and they enjoyed it.  All ages can attend. 

Contact Sharon
(withheld for archive) or Judy (withheld for archive) with any questions.  

March 19 &26, April 9 &16,   CHESS with the MTU Chess Club, MTU Mub.  Rooms to be determined.  Cost free for members, and $10 membership fee for non-members.  Scholarships are available.  Call (withheld for archive).

CCHE Looking for Articles –


CCHE is still looking for articles to post on our other blog site: http://cchearticles.blogspot.com it is quite possible that if we get enough we may even make a print anthology out of them. However, if we do not have people interested in posting to this blog – we will be deleting the blog. Please contact me at ccheupates@gmail.com prior to March 31st if you plan on sending in an article for the blog. If I do not receive any emails of interest by then, we will assume that this is not a service that the community is interested in.


Meet Finlandia Day –

Meet Finlandia Day is coming up on Friday, April 1st.

For more information or to RSVP, call (withheld for archive)


Please Help


From Val – This is being forwarded as a non-partisan call to action to help disabled children.


As some of you may be aware, there are now NO medical equipment vendors in the Upper Peninsula that accept Medicaid.  This affects 90-95% of the kids with moderate to severe disabilities we serve, who have no other coverage.  This is a true crisis for our children.  We are asking for your help to spread the word, and encourage as many people as possible to send letters to our representatives at the state and federal level to help with this.  We've attached a letter outlying the problem.  Feel free to email, print it out and mail it in, and to send it on.    If you would like more information about what's going on, please feel free to contact (withheld for archive). If you would like to email our representatives rather than mailing, here's the information...


Matt Huuki



Tom Casperson



Dan Benishek



Thank you all so much for your help!!


Monica Aho, PT PCS


Benishek Letter:



Casperson Letter:



Huuki Letter:


WPA's 28th Annual Home Education Conference –

WPA's 28th Annual Home Education Conference—May 6 and 7, 2011—University of Wisconsin Oshkosh


DIY Homeschooling: We're Doing It Ourselves!


Over 90 workshops, many new

Blogging • Hands-on Science • Choosing a Curriculum • Starting a Family Business • Homeschooling Boys • Socialization • Being a Homeschooling Dad • Homeschooling Kids of Different Ages • Baking Sourdough Bread • Kids With Special Needs • Homeschooling Without Outside Support • Dealing with Boy Energy • Homeschooling for High School • College Admission and Financial Aid • and much more


Outstanding new and returning speakers 


Connections workshops for the whole family

Ham/Amateur Radio and Weather Spotting • Bird Banding • Nanotechnology • Ground School for Future Pilots • Theatrical Techniques • Unit Origami • Taekwondo • Rock Polishing • and much more


More opportunities to meet homeschoolers

General session and graduation ceremony

Affordable on-site housing and all-you-can-eat buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


The conference for everyone

Whether you're completely new to homeschooling or a veteran;

Whether you're children are toddlers, teens, or grown;

Whether you purchase your curriculum, create your own, do unit studies, are eclectic, or unschool;

Whatever your reasons for homeschooling.


Watch our Web site for registration information


This year's conference will be similar to last year's, only better!


For a printed registration packet, email (withheld for archive)  (Packets will automatically be sent by postal mail to current WPA members and attendees of recent conferences.)


Find us on Facebook




KFRC Kids Consignment Sale–


A consignment sale to benefit the KFRC Tree House Indoor Playground is being held at the Copper Country Mall on the weekend of April 8th – 9th.  See the flier online at:




Keweenaw Krayons 7th Annual Mardi Gras Festival –

Keweenaw Krayons 7th Annual Mardi Gras Festival will host an exciting lineup of local musicians, as well as Cajun style feast catered by restaurants throughout the Keweenaw, on Fat Tuesday, March 8.

(withheld for archive)

Advance tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Infants and toddlers who will not be eating are free. Tickets at the door are $15 for adults and $5 for children. (withheld for archive)


Items to Remember:


Drama Club -  Tuesdays, 3-4(:30) at Bethany Baptist Church in Dollar Bay. Tentative date for the performance is Tuesday April, 12th at the Little Gem Theater.


Gymnastics with Jeanie on Mondays at 2:30 (for young kids) and 3:30 for grade-schoolers.


From Val (Updates Coordinator):


I am still having problems keeping up with everything. Please give me a minimum of 3 days' notice (1 week would be better) prior to an event. Also, if it is critical or time sensitive, please consider marking it as such.

Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on: http://ccheupdates.blogspot.com

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.