Monday, March 28, 2011

Drama, DINO-mite Dig, Story Times, Science Field Trips, Story Line Project, History Smackdown, Meet Finlandia, WPA Conference, KFRC Consignment Sale,

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


Drama Club- TODAY


Hello, all Drama Club Persons,

I hope everyone is recovering/staying well! 

1) A reminder that those people who are in the Caos, Johnson and Sergeant Mann play (and who are able to get there early) will meet for extra rehearsal time before the Tuesday's regular meeting.  So Caos and Johnson people meet at 1:30 (in Dollar Bay as usual location), and the regular meeting for all participants will be 3-4:30 as usual.  This makes for a long meeting for those of you in the Caos play, but the extra time should be very helpful in preparing for the upcoming performance.  Next week we will do the same thing with one of the other two plays. 

2) Scenery: Judy, what materials do you need for Tuesday?  Should I ask for people to bring cardboard, or do you have some?

3) The cost for the Little Gem this year will be $100.00, plus I would like to give Tim money for cleaning.  If we charge $5 per student for the first two kids in a family, and $4 for the 3rd, $3 for the 4th, $2 for the 5th, etc. (so that families with more than two kids get a discount), I think that would suffice.  Does that work for everyone?

4) A reminder to the older kids to be sure to memorize your lines, and practice speaking loudly and clearly!

I believe I am forgetting something...but I can't remember what it if you think of something I need to address before Tuesday, please let me know.  Thanks!


PLDL DINO-mite Dinosaur Dig –TODAY

The Portage Lake District Library and the Copper Country Reading Council will co-host a "DINO-mite Dinosaur Dig!" on Tuesday, March 22, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the library. 

All children Pre-K through Upper Elementary are invited to join the fun. Kids will dig for dinosaur "bones" and reconstruct the dinosaurs they find, listen to and write dinosaur stories, and learn dinosaur facts. They will also make maps of dinosaur habitats and learn how to write legends for their maps. Participants will take home a small dinosaur and some pre-historic "mud" (playdough) to make dinosaur tracks in. 

Library programs are free and everyone is invited. For more information, please (withheld for archive)  visit


PLDL Story Times


Kids are also invited to swim over to the library for Storytime on Wednesday, March 23, at 10:15 a.m. and dive into Lake Superior without getting wet. Valerie Martin will continue the National Wildlife Week celebrations with stories and songs about creatures that live in Lake Superior. Children will create a food chain and help protect the greatest lake from invaders.


These Storytimes with guest presenter Valerie Martin are part of a special tribute to the wildlife that live on Isle Royale and to the creatures that live in Lake Superior. All young children are invited to participate. Regular weekly Storytimes will continue as usual. For more information, please (withheld for archive) or visit


2 Science Field Trip Opportunities – RSVP this week


Two field trip opportunities are available to us and I would be willing to arrange for our students to attend if families are interested.  Please email me at (withheld for archive)  , by the end of the day on March 22nd, with the number of students you would bring, if you are interested, so that I can then contact MTU to find out if/when it would work for our group to attend. 



Isle Royale Moose-Wolf Ecology Field Trip

 Where: Lake Linden School Forest Wednesday, April 13th @ 1:30

Cost: $25 to be split among the families attending.    This one is in danger of being cancelled due to lack of interest… can we get more than 3 families interested? 


The Western UP Center is partnering with the Isle Royale National Park and the Isle Royale Institute to offer this field trip.


Students will become research scientists, searching the study site area for wooden stakes which represent wolves, moose, or moose kill sites on the island, and record their data. This simulation represents the actual field data collected during Winter Wolf-Moose studies on Isle Royale.


Students will also have the opportunity to examine moose bones and discover what scientists can learn about the animals by looking at their bones. In addition, students will learn about a winter tick found on Isle Royale.


Brockway Mountain Raptor Migration Viewing

 When: Friday, April 29  12:30  will last until 2:15 and will include an optional hike close to the mtn.

Where: Brockway Mountain Drive

Cost: Free


Dana Richter, Copper Country Audubon, along with other experienced "birders" will provide a 60-minute program for students that will include an introduction to the raptor migration and raptor identification. Students will use binoculars and a spotting scope to identify hawks, eagles and falcons flying overhead. Students will also view mounted raptors to practice their ID skills



No homeschool chess this week

No Homeschool Chess  on March 25 and April 8 due to the 4H sponsoring chess with the MTU Chess Club during those weeks.  This is an opportunity to learn some new skills and play different people. All ages can attend.  Contact (withheld for archive)   with any questions.   March 19 &26, April 9 &16,   CHESS with the MTU Chess Club, MTU Mub.  Rooms to be determined.  Cost free for members, and $10 membership fee for non-members.  Scholarships are available.  (withheld for archive)  to register.



The Story Line Project – RSVP this week

(From Amy (withheld for archive)  : If homeschool families are interested in being able to work on their projects at the PLDL, they could email by March 25th (withheld for archive)  to express their interest and I can work w/ PLDL to set up some work sessions time.  Sometimes things get accomplished easier when we set aside a special time and place to get things done.) 

Dear Homeschooling Families,
The attachments to this email contain an in-depth explanation of an exciting opportunity for you and your children to participate in The Story Line Project, a public art project that will be seen by thousands of people. This project celebrates your ancestors and your family history. Many local children and families will participate, and this is a special invitation to homeschooling families to join in creating this remarkable artwork.
The Story Line Project is headed by local artist Mary Wright and coordinated by Carol Ekstrom. As you may recall, Mary is renowned for her large, community art projects. She did the Chairs Project, where dozens and dozens of chairs were painted in Finnish blue and white designs and displayed in a long stack up the entire length of the Quincy Mine Shaft. She did the Doors Project, where dozens of wooden doors featured portraits of local ancestors and were displayed along Quincy Street in Hancock. Mary also did the Mittens Project, where community members decorated huge mittens that were also lined up along the entire length of Quincy Street in Hancock. Mary Wright has done numerous other community art projects, and The Story Line Project is the latest of her endeavors.
You can visit the website at
Participants will also be able to attend the performance of the opera, Rockland, next July. After this performance, all of the stories gathered from The Story Line Project will be archived and transferred to the website of the Keweenaw National Historic Park website, and will be available online for future generations to read.
The deadline for panel entries to arrive in Houghton is May 15, 2011. Extension of deadlines can be arranged.
If you cannot access these attachments, please let me know and I will mail copies to you, or you can pick them up at the library. I will also be happy to arrange work sessions in the library community room if you like. Let me know how I can help you in any way. I would also greatly appreciate knowing if you want to participate or not. Please send me an email letting me know your level of interest so I know what to plan for.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this and for your consideration in participating.
Best to you always,
(withheld for archive)


Prospective History Smackdown Coach –


From Val – As far as I've heard no one has put together a team yet. If anyone wants to do so please let me know and I'll help get the word out for students interested in joining. Thank you!


Dear Past or Prospective Local History Smackdown Coach:

The 9th Annual Copper Country High School Local History Smackdown is just around the corner, so please remind your students that now is the time to form their teams. Due to seating limitations on the Calumet Theater stage, we can register no more than twenty teams total. With registration on an as
-received basis, encourage your students to register early, so they don't miss out. Registration also determines team order in the event, with the questions getting progressively harder through the rounds, the earliest registrants consequently get the easiest questions. Another reason to
register early! The registration deadline is March 31st this year.

There is one rule change this year, the pass can now no longer be used during the first two rounds. This year also, questions in the second round will be photo-based. An image will be projected (it may be historic or contemporary) and then a question utilizing the image will be asked. The usual rules apply as to time limit, consultation, etc., except as already mentioned, the pass is not available for this round. The Smackdown Team has written many new questions for this year's Smackdown but as always, many
from previous competitions are being recycled. For a list of the sources from which questions are drawn, see the park's Smackdown page on our website at

You will also find at that same URL, registration information, a coaches guide, a student guide, and after the registration deadline, this year's sample questions (for new coaches - be sure to study those!). For your convenience, a registration form is attached to this email.

Unfortunately for many Copper Country high schools, local history has been dropped from their curricula to middle or even elementary school. So please think of this event as a great opportunity to enhance your student's historical education and perhaps make history more relevant and fun. It is
certainly a great way to show off your students to the broader Copper Country and for them to add another highlight to their college applications. So please, if you have not participated before as a coach,
consider it this year.

If you haven't coached a team before, or if it has been awhile, please contact me with any questions. I would be happy to speak with you.

Thank you.



Meet Finlandia Day –


Hello Homeschool Parents & Families, Meet Finlandia Day is coming up on Friday, April 1st. Parents, families, and prospective students of all ages are invited to meet faculty, learn about financial aid, attend a class session, and have lunch with us at Finlandia University. We also always welcome those of you who might be looking for a dual-placement for your home school scholar.


For more information or to RSVP, call us at(withheld for archive)  .


And, a side note: Finlandia University will be represented once again at the INCH Convention in Lansing, MI. Although we made an application for MACHE in MN, due to the overwhelming response from colleges, we were asked to re-apply for the opportunity to be included in the 2012 conference. If you are planning to attend either one, I hope it's a valuable time for you and your family. If you are in Lansing, make sure to find Finlandia University and stop and share a story about your experience.


Thank you.





Office of Admissions

Finlandia University

601 Quincy Street, Hancock, MI 49930

(withheld for archive)   

WPA's 28th Annual Home Education Conference –

Register now for the 28th annual WPA Home Education Conference on Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7, at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Find information on the WPA Web site or get a hard copy by emailing WPA (withheld for archive)  .


Email WPA to have conference announcements mailed to you at no charge and give them to people you know. 


Email your networks and friends and encourage them to visit WPA's conference website or request a free hard copy of the conference announcement.


Here's an overview of the conference:

98 workshops, 53 new

Choosing a Curriculum • Blogging • Hands-on Science • Starting a Family Business • Homeschooling Boys • Socialization • Being a Homeschooling Dad • Homeschooling Kids of Different Ages • Baking Sourdough Bread • Kids With Special Needs • Homeschooling Without Outside Support • Dealing with Boy Energy • Homeschooling for High School • College Admission and Financial Aid • and much more


Outstanding new and returning speakers 


Connections workshops for the whole family

Ham/Amateur Radio and Weather Spotting • Bird Banding • Nanotechnology • Ground School for Future Pilots • Theatrical Techniques • Unit Origami • Taekwondo • Rock Polishing • and much more


More opportunities to meet homeschoolers

General session and graduation ceremony

Affordable on-site housing and all-you-can-eat buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


The conference for everyone

Whether you're completely new to homeschooling or a veteran; Whether your children are toddlers, teens, or grown; Whether you purchase your curriculum, create your own, do unit studies, are eclectic, or unschool; Whatever your reasons for homeschooling.


Save $15 on your conference registration fees and $7 on each WPA handbook you purchase by becoming a member of WPA.


Get a $10 WPA coupon (NOTE from Val: Holly Emmert has graciously kept us informed about the WPA conference – so if you want to credit someone it should be her) for each individual or family who did not attend the conference in 2009 or 2010 and who names you on their registration form as the one who encouraged them.


Thank you.


The WPA Board

Wisconsin Parents Association

(withheld for archive)


Find us on Facebook


KFRC Kids Consignment Sale–


A consignment sale to benefit the KFRC Tree House Indoor Playground is being held at the Copper Country Mall on the weekend of April 8th – 9th.  See the flier online at:




Items to Remember:


Open Swim at Finlandia's Pool, 1-2pm on Thusdays ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities! Remember that in order to participate in the Open Gym the child must wear clean gym shoes or socks. Per Finlandia's rules – bare feet are not permitted.


Drama Club -  Tuesdays, 3-4(:30) at Bethany Baptist Church in Dollar Bay.


Gymnastics with Jeanie on Mondays at 2:30 (for young kids) and 3:30 for grade-schoolers.



From Val (Updates Coordinator):

Val is away this week and I (Amy) will do my best at passing along the info.  If something new comes in, you will see it by Thursday.  Otherwise, this is this week's new.   Keep Val and her family in your thoughts.     "My daughter will once again be going to Shriners' Hospital to see how she's progressed since surgery and my oldest son is facing his own difficulties right now – so prayers for our family over the next week would be much appreciated. Thank you."

Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.