Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 12th, 2011

Copper Country

Home Educators

"Updates!" by Val Juntunen

April 12th, 2011


Wolf/Moose FieldTrip Rescheduled - Urgent

For those who plan to attend the field trip on Wednesday, it has to be rescheduled.  Can those who were interested please email me at and let me know if Tuesday the 19th works for them?

Thank you-

(NOTE: Also, please review the field trip information at ).

From: Valerie Martin
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 12:51 PM
Subject: Wolf Moose Ecolgy Field Trip Reschedule


The road to Lake Linden school forest is currently impassable and in addition, I have developed pneumonia (talk about things not going as you would like). The combination of the two means that we need to try and reschedule your field trip. Since you were the first to sign up, we'd like to give you first options at the available dates:

Tuesday April 19 in the afternoon.

Will this work for you? If none of these work we can look out a little later into April/May. If the road is still bad next week, we will have a back-up plan to do as much of the field trip as we can in another location.

Look forward to talking to you.


Homeschool Drama Presentation - Tonight

The homeschool drama presentation is tonight at the Little Gem Theater in Lake Linden, beginning at 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to check out what the drama club is about and to support the children of our community. Kids ranging in age from 5 or 6 to 17 have written, made costumes, created props, memorized lines and learned poise and voice projection! The presentation is free!

There will be no gym time following open swim at Finlandia this week, 4/14.  Normal schedule will resume next week..

The Basics & Benefits for Massage – April 14th

The Portage Lake District Library will host its monthly program in the Natural Health and Wellness Series on Thursday, April 14, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. 

Five students from the Institute of Natural Therapies will present "The Basics and Benefits of Massage." Adam Little, Mark Netell, Jessica Barr, Diane Taylor, and Myra Moyrala will share information on how to use reflexology, explain the benefits of Swedish massage, and demonstrate self-massage techniques. The students will also discuss aspects of and considerations for pregnancy massage, describe the importance of good posture and proper body mechanics, and explain how the propioreceptive nervous system works to settle the whole body system to experience inner peace. 

These students are studying a nine month course which includes Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, Thai massage, and myofacial release. After successfully completing the course, they will graduate with a Certificate of Massage, which qualifies them to apply and test for National Certification.  

This program is free and everyone is welcome. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit

MOMS Club Story Time at PLDL – April 16th

Kids are invited to put on their rain boots and wear them to a rainy day Storytime at the Portage Lake District Library on Saturday, April 16, at 10:15 a.m. 

Members of the MOMS Club will present "April Showers" for children and read springtime stories for a rainy day. Kids will do an activity and make a project to take home. 

The MOMS Club (Moms Offering Moms Support) is a non-profit support group specifically aimed at meeting the needs of mothers who choose to stay at home with their children, including those who work at home, work part-time, or have flexible schedules. 

The local chapter offers a wide range of activities for moms and their kids that include monthly meetings with guest speakers, playgroups, outings, holiday activities, service projects, a book group, arts and crafts activities, and a monthly MOMS night out. 

For more information about the MOMS Club or to find out how to join, contact the local chapter's president at or visit the organization's website at  

Library programs are free and open to all. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit

Gluten-Free Recipe Exchange – April 18th

Regular meetings of the Gluten-Free Recipe Exchange are held on the 3rd Monday of each month from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Portage Lake District Library. The next meeting will be April 18, and everyone is invited to participate.  

Each month features a different type of food, and April's meeting will focus on gluten-free breakfasts. Participants are welcome to bring their favorite gluten-free breakfast dish for sampling and are encouraged to share their recipes. Copies of the recipes will be made at the library. Please list all ingredients used in making foods that are shared at these meetings and identify the brand names of the gluten-free ingredients. Bringing food is not a requirement for attendance.  

The Gluten-Free Recipe Exchange is organized by and for those who are interested in or required to follow a gluten-free diet. Gluten-free eating requires the avoidance of all wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Most people find it challenging at first, but are excited to find recipes and foods that are fun and easy to make and tasty to eat. The Gluten-Free Recipe Exchange is an opportunity to share those great recipes and learn from others. Everyone who is interested in learning more about gluten-free eating is encouraged to attend. 

This program is free and open to all. For more information, please call a member of the group at 281-5216. You may also call the library at 482-4570 or visit  

Please review the information about safety, items to bring and how the fieldtrip will be conducted at

Autism Symposium May 12-13th

For educators, parents, family members, policy makers, researchers, practitioners, students and persons living with ASD. Presented by Oakland University's Center for Autism, Research, Education and Support (OUCARES) and the Department of Human Development and Child Studies.

Marriott at Centerpoint 

3600 Centerpoint Parkway

Pontiac, MI 48341


Discounted rooms at $89. Please call the Marriott at 1-800-579-8395 for reservations. Use group code: qlcqlca.


Registration Prices:

Early Bird: $175
Regular: $205
(after March 31st)

Includes lunch and refreshments


For more information and registration:

or 248-370-3077/248-370-2424 

Register now for the 28th annual WPA Home Education Conference on Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7, at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Find information on the WPA Web site or get a hard copy by emailing WPA at or calling the WPA voice mail at 608-283-3131.

Here's an overview of the conference:

98 workshops, 53 new

Choosing a Curriculum • Blogging • Hands-on Science • Starting a Family Business • Homeschooling Boys • Socialization • Being a Homeschooling Dad • Homeschooling Kids of Different Ages • Baking Sourdough Bread • Kids With Special Needs • Homeschooling Without Outside Support • Dealing with Boy Energy • Homeschooling for High School • College Admission and Financial Aid • and much more

Outstanding new and returning speakers 

Connections workshops for the whole family

Ham/Amateur Radio and Weather Spotting • Bird Banding • Nanotechnology • Ground School for Future Pilots • Theatrical Techniques • Unit Origami • Taekwondo • Rock Polishing • and much more

More opportunities to meet homeschoolers

General session and graduation ceremony

Affordable on-site housing and all-you-can-eat buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


The conference for everyone

Whether you're completely new to homeschooling or a veteran; Whether your children are toddlers, teens, or grown; Whether you purchase your curriculum, create your own, do unit studies, are eclectic, or unschool; Whatever your reasons for homeschooling.


Save $15 on your conference registration fees and $7 on each WPA handbook you purchase by becoming a member of WPA.


Get a $10 WPA coupon (NOTE from Val: Holly Emmert has graciously kept us informed about the WPA conference – so if you want to credit someone it should be her) for each individual or family who did not attend the conference in 2009 or 2010 and who names you on their registration form as the one who encouraged them.


Thank you.

The WPA Board

Wisconsin Parents Association

Voice Mail 608.283.3131

Find us on Facebook

Story Line Project Deadline May 15th

Dear Homeschooling Families,
There is still time to participate in the Story Line Project, and it is my sincerest hope that you will decide to do this.
The Story Line Project seems like a perfect fit for homeschooling families. In fact, this is a great opportunity to learn a new art form, investigate your family history, pay tribute to your family's ancestors, enjoy friendship with others in doing a project of this size and scope, and attend "Rockland" at the Rozsa Center, an opera about local history.
Mary Wright, lead artist for and inspiration behind the Story Line Project, will do a public presentation about it at the library later this month. While she is here, we will have the fabric, transfer paper, and heat press set up in the community room and do a demonstration of how it works.
The supplies for making your family banner will be available in the community room for several days for you to use at your convenience. The only thing you will need to do is write your story and print it out as a document or pdf file. I will print your stories for you at the library free of charge.
In fact, this entire project is free. Fabric, transfer paper, use of the heat press, copies of stories, and tickets to "Rockland" are all free.
What an opportunity!
Please call or email me if you have questions. If you want the detailed information about The Story Line Project re-sent to you, I will be happy to do that. Please ask. (Please see the links below for more detailed information)
Thank you!
Chris Alquist
Community Programs Director
Portage Lake District Library
58 Huron St.
Houghton, MI 49931
(906) 482-45470 (phone)
(906) 482-2129 (fax)

Note from Val: Please contact Chris if you plan on participating in this project. Also, consider contacting me as I think this would be a great presentation for one of the "Parents' Night Out".

The following links will explain more:

Dear Teachers:

Lesson Plans:

A New Wave of Genealogists:

Remembering the Chairs:

INCH Homeschool Convention May 20th – 21st

28th Annual INCH Homeschool Convention in Lansing Michigan is May 20th – 21st. See for details.

Vidalia Onion Benefit Sale Order By May 1st

The local Shriners' are raising money for the transportation fund that pays for kids from our area to go to the Shriners' Hospital (usually in the Twin Cities) where they receive free, advanced orthopedic, burn and cleft palette care. (From Val: My daughter, Jessica, is a Shriners' Hospital patient.) One of the many fundraisers they do to raise the needed funds is a Vidalia onion sale.

You get: 10lb bag of Vidalia onions for $10. The onions have a reputation of being excellent. They come from Vidalia, Georgia.

Please email me at if you are interested in ordering onions. You can pay when they come in – on May 16th. The onions will be available at either Bay Insurance on Sharon St. in Houghton or (if you make arrangements with me) I am willing to deliver.

Open Swim at Finlandia's Pool, 1-2pm on Thusdays ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). No Open Gym 4/14/2011. Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities! Remember that in order to participate in the Open Gym the child must wear clean gym shoes or socks. Per Finlandia's rules – bare feet are not permitted.

Drama Club -  Public performance on Tuesday April 12th at 6:30pm.

Gymnastics with Jeanie- on Mondays at 3:30. The sessions are pro-rated to students that would like to join after the start date. Anyone that would like to continue with classes after that can be placed in the regular program at the home-school rate.

No Homeschool Chess  on March 25 and April 8 due to the 4H sponsoring chess with the MTU Chess Club during those weeks.  This is an opportunity to learn some new skills and play different people. All ages can attend.  Contact Sharon Foix 906-337-3404 or Judy Chizek with any questions. March 19 &26, April 9 &16,   CHESS with the MTU Chess Club, MTU Mub.  Rooms to be determined.  Cost free for members, and $10 membership fee for non-members.  Scholarships are available.  Call 482-5830 to register.

Make your purchases through CCHE. Just go to our website at: Then you can browse some of the books we've put together or just click the "powered by" in the upper left and you can shop on just like normal. There's no added cost to you but CCHE receives a small commission from every purchase you make when you click through from our site. Thank you!

The deadline for entering a team into the History Smackdown has passed. I heard the coordinator talking about this event on the radio and was saddened that we do not have a team this year. It seems like a worthwhile event. With that in mind, I plan to attend the Smackdown and look at possibly coordinating a team for next year. If anyone's interested in attending it with me – please email me at

Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.