Sunday, April 24, 2011

Updates for April 24th, 2011

Copper Country

Home Educators

"Updates!" by Val Juntunen

April 24th , 2011

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.

Adopt-A-Highway – April 25, 27 & May 1

MDOT's Adopt-A-Highway first collection period begins this Sat, April 23 and runs through Sun, May 1.  During that time, we will try to meet 3 times to hopefully accommodate different schedules and problems we may encounter with the weather.  The dates and times are as follows:

Mon, April 25 at 1pm
Wed, April 27 at 6pm
Sun, May 1 at 3pm

We will meet in the Copper Country Mall's parking lot to watch a brief safety video (required by everyone participating) and to car pool to our route (M26 from Snowmobile Club Rd to South Range). 

This is a great way for our group to volunteer within the community.  Children 12 yrs. old and up are able to participate but we do need 1 adult per 3 children ages 12-17.  If you are interested in helping out, please contact Sara (withheld for archive)

Theater Group – April 26th

All interested homeschoolers are invited to join Eric (withheld for archive), director of the Little Gem Theater in Lake Linden, along with other homeschooling families, on Tuesday, April 26th from 2 to 4 pm at the Little Gem, at which time the newly-formed homeschoolers' theater group will discuss options for summer theater activities.  One of the group's goals is to perform a play in mid-summer; two options suggested were Alice in Wonderland and Beauty IS a Beast (the script for the latter may be perused at: ).  An educational component will also be incorporated into the theater group activities (acting, stagecraft, theater history, etc.).

This promises to be an enlightening, entertaining and educational experience for all participants.  If you have questions or would like more information about the Little Gem theater group, please email or call Eric at

(withheld for archive)

MI Copper & U.P. Mysteries – April 26th

The Portage Lake District Library will host a program sponsored by the Ancient Artifacts Preservation Society (AAPS) on Tuesday, April 26, at 7:00 p.m. 

Judy M. Johnson, secretary of AAPS, will present "Michigan Copper and U.P. Mysteries." Her discussion will include a history of copper mining in the Keweenaw and some of the ancient mysteries associated with it. The public is invited to bring copper artifacts that they have found to show and share with the group or just bring their curiosity and interest in what others have found. 

Library programs are free and open to all. For more information, please (withheld for archive) visit

Beekeeping – April 27th

The Portage Lake District Library invites those who want to learn about the amazing world of honey bees to an evening with local beekeeper Todd (withheld for archive) as he presents "An Introduction to Beekeeping" on Wednesday, April 27, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.  

His slide show will cover bee hive basics and how honey bees go about their business. Participants will learn what types of equipment a beekeeper uses, how much time it takes to maintain hives, and what the costs and rewards of beekeeping are. There will be a small, empty hive and basic tools of the trade to examine and pure Keweenaw honey to taste.  

Todd has been a beekeeper for 11 years. He is fascinated by the important role bees have in nature and is eager to share his knowledge and experience with others.  

Library programs are free and open to all. For more information, please (withheld for archive) visit

Parents' Night Out – April 28th

Thursday April 28th, CCHE will be holding a Parents' Night out with discussion on the benefits of attending a homeschooling conference (and other home school topics) at 6pm at Perkins Restaurant. This will be followed by a board meeting at 7pm that is open to the public. There are some positions that need filling, so those interested are encouraged to stay for the meeting.

Volunteering Road Trip – April 28th

You are invited to hear Dan Schneider and Bonnie Luokus talk about their volunteer experiences on their recent four month road trip in the American West. They will present their awesome slide show and share what they learned on Thursday, April 28, at 7:00 p.m. 
In the photo are Dan Schneider, left, and Bonnie Loukus above Apikuni Falls in Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. Loukus and Schneider surveyed mountain goats and pika in the high country as part of the park's Citizen Science Program. 
Thank you and see you at the library!
Chris Alquist
Community Programs Director
Portage Lake District Library
(withheld for archive)

The local Shriners' are raising money for the transportation fund that pays for kids from our area to go to the Shriners' Hospital (usually in the Twin Cities) where they receive free, advanced orthopedic, burn and cleft palette care. (From Val: My daughter, Jessica, is a Shriners' Hospital patient.) One of the many fundraisers they do to raise the needed funds is a Vidalia onion sale.

You get: 10lb bag of Vidalia onions for $10. The onions have a reputation of being excellent. They come from Vidalia, Georgia.

Please email me at if you are interested in ordering onions by April 28th (sorry I'm out of town the weekend of May 1st – so I need the orders in before then). You can pay when they come in – on May 16th. The onions will be available at either Bay Insurance on Sharon St. in Houghton or (if you make arrangements with me) I am willing to deliver.

Local History Smackdown - April 28th  

Are you ready for the Smackdown?

Get ready for the Ninth Annual High School Local History Smackdown! Come to
the Calumet Theatre on Thursday April 28th and keep score as 14 teams of
high school students from the four-county area demonstrate their knowledge
of the Copper Country's rich history. Which team will be the last one
standing and take home the trophy?

The Smackdown will take place at the historic Calumet Theatre, 340 Sixth
Street in Calumet, at 7:00 pm on Thursday April 28th, 2011. The event is
free and open to the public.

(From Val: I have to be at another meeting but I encourage homeschool parents to check out the History Smackdown with an eye to possibly coaching a team for the homeschoolers next year)

Raptor Migration Fieldtrip – April 29th

Please review the information about safety, items to bring and how the fieldtrip will be conducted at

SKRC at PLDL – Months of April & May

During the months of April and May the Portage Lake District Library will host an informational display about the Sustainable Keweenaw Resource Center (SKRC) to help raise awareness about the Center and the resources it offers the community. 

The SKRC, located in the Jutila Center for Global Design & Business in Hancock, is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except during scheduled events. 

The purpose of the SKRC is to inspire and connect people with regionally appropriate resources and solutions for creating sustainable, livable communities in the Keweenaw Peninsula. 

The center offers a small reference library, community conference area, a few rotating exhibits spotlighting sustainable projects and resources in the Keweenaw Peninsula, and a number of online resources including the Keweenaw Green Map and Keweenaw Green Directory. 

The SKRC is supported and funded in-part by Finlandia University and is operated by a volunteer staff. 

Visit for more information about the Center. 

Landscaping Expansions – May 2nd 

The Portage Lake District Library will host Advanced Master Gardener Lynn Watson on Monday, May 2, at 6:30 p.m. for her presentation on "Landscaping Expansions: Getting the Most Out of Your Resident Plant Material."   

This presentation will teach participants how to split shrubs and perennials and how to do twig tip propagation, rosebush multiplication, winter sowing, and evergreen recovery.  

These methods will show gardeners how to increase the number of plants they have without spending money for new ones. Gardeners will learn how to extend landscaping, increase the size of their garden, and multiply plant material all from plants they already have.  

Watson is the head gardener at Michigan Technological University. She is also the owner of Interiorscapes, a company devoted to professionally helping homes and offices welcome healthy green plants into their living and work environments.  

Library programs are free and everyone is welcome. For more information, Please (withheld for archive) visit  

CC Comm. Arts Center – May 4th & May 7th

Crafting a Series of Paintings in Acrylics with Constance Johnson: Wednesdays, May 4, 11, 18, 25 from 6:30-9pm.

Find new ways to incorporate design principles as you create studies for a short series of acrylic painting. Class Fee: $115.

Core Spinning with Audrey Chamberlin: Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 1-5pm.

Create unique and interesting yarns with the versatile technique of core-spinning. Coils, puffs, lace, beads, and almost anything you can imagine can be spun right into your yarn. Class Fee: $65 plus $25 materials fee.

For more information see:

WPA Homeschool Conf. – May 6-7th

Register now for the 28th annual WPA Home Education Conference on Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7, at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Find information on the WPA Web site or get a hard copy by emailing WPA at or calling the WPA voice mail at (withheld for archive).

Here's an overview of the conference:

98 workshops, 53 new

Choosing a Curriculum • Blogging • Hands-on Science • Starting a Family Business • Homeschooling Boys • Socialization • Being a Homeschooling Dad • Homeschooling Kids of Different Ages • Baking Sourdough Bread • Kids With Special Needs • Homeschooling Without Outside Support • Dealing with Boy Energy • Homeschooling for High School • College Admission and Financial Aid • and much more

Outstanding new and returning speakers 

Connections workshops for the whole family

Ham/Amateur Radio and Weather Spotting • Bird Banding • Nanotechnology • Ground School for Future Pilots • Theatrical Techniques • Unit Origami • Taekwondo • Rock Polishing • and much more

More opportunities to meet homeschoolers

General session and graduation ceremony

Affordable on-site housing and all-you-can-eat buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


The conference for everyone

Whether you're completely new to homeschooling or a veteran; Whether your children are toddlers, teens, or grown; Whether you purchase your curriculum, create your own, do unit studies, are eclectic, or unschool; Whatever your reasons for homeschooling.


Save $15 on your conference registration fees and $7 on each WPA handbook you purchase by becoming a member of WPA.


Get a $10 WPA coupon (NOTE from Val: Holly Emmert has graciously kept us informed about the WPA conference – so if you want to credit someone it should be her) for each individual or family who did not attend the conference in 2009 or 2010 and who names you on their registration form as the one who encouraged them.


Thank you.

The WPA Board

Wisconsin Parents Association

Voice Mail (withheld for archive)

Find us on Facebook

For educators, parents, family members, policy makers, researchers, practitioners, students and persons living with ASD. Presented by Oakland University's Center for Autism, Research, Education and Support (OUCARES) and the Department of Human Development and Child Studies.

Marriott at Centerpoint 

3600 Centerpoint Parkway

Pontiac, MI 48341


Discounted rooms at $89. Please call the Marriott at 1-800-579-8395 for reservations. Use group code: qlcqlca.


Registration Prices:

Early Bird: $175
Regular: $205
(after March 31st)

Includes lunch and refreshments


For more information and registration:

(withheld for archive)

Story Line Project – May 15th

Dear Homeschooling Families,
There is still time to participate in the Story Line Project, and it is my sincerest hope that you will decide to do this.
The Story Line Project seems like a perfect fit for homeschooling families. In fact, this is a great opportunity to learn a new art form, investigate your family history, pay tribute to your family's ancestors, enjoy friendship with others in doing a project of this size and scope, and attend "Rockland" at the Rozsa Center, an opera about local history.
Mary Wright, lead artist for and inspiration behind the Story Line Project, will do a public presentation about it at the library later this month. While she is here, we will have the fabric, transfer paper, and heat press set up in the community room and do a demonstration of how it works.
The supplies for making your family banner will be available in the community room for several days for you to use at your convenience. The only thing you will need to do is write your story and print it out as a document or pdf file. I will print your stories for you at the library free of charge.
In fact, this entire project is free. Fabric, transfer paper, use of the heat press, copies of stories, and tickets to "Rockland" are all free.
What an opportunity!
Please call or email me if you have questions. If you want the detailed information about The Story Line Project re-sent to you, I will be happy to do that. Please ask. (Please see the links below for more detailed information)
Thank you!
Chris Alquist
Community Programs Director
Portage Lake District Library
(withheld for archive)

Note from Val: Please contact Chris if you plan on participating in this project. Also, consider contacting me as I think this would be a great presentation for one of the "Parents' Night Out".

The following links will explain more:

Dear Teachers:

Lesson Plans:

A New Wave of Genealogists:

Remembering the Chairs:

INCH Homeschool Conv. – May 20th

28th Annual INCH Homeschool Convention in Lansing Michigan is May 20th – 21st. See for details.

CALLING ALL KIDS MUSIC THEATRE CAMP:  On July 11 – 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Sts. Peter & Paul Lutheran Church will be sponsoring the Calling All Kids Music Theatre Camp.  This music camp is for any interested child who has completed second – seventh grade.  Throughout the week campers will be preparing the Christian musical, "American Ideal", a children's musical about humility, for a final performance in a church service on Sunday morning July 17th.  Campers do not need any prior musical experience, just an interest and enthusiasm for music and performing.  The cost for Calling All Kids Music Theatre Camp is $30.  Each camper will receive a CD and script when they return their completed application form to Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church.  For more information and an application please stop by the church office at 1010 Madeleine St., Houghton or phone 482-4750.


The camp is directed by Shawn (withheld for archive), a music educator from Madison, WI.  Ms. McMahon has been teaching music for 17 years and has been directing musicals for almost as long.  She directs musical at her home church in Madison, WI every spring and is in demand as an artist in residence for her work with movement and music.  Ms. McMahon is a native of Marquette, MI where she has also directed a week of Calling All Kids Music Theatre Camp.

Open Swim at Finlandia's Pool, 1-2pm on Thusdays ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities! Remember that in order to participate in the Open Gym the child must wear clean gym shoes or socks. Per Finlandia's rules – bare feet are not permitted.

Gymnastics with Jeanie- Friday mornings 9:30 - 10:10 am for tots and pre-school ages 2-3.  Pre-K & K from 10:20 - 11:10 and Grade School on Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Classes are pro-rated depending on start date.

Make your purchases through CCHE. Just go to our website at: Then you can browse some of the books we've put together or just click the "powered by" in the upper left and you can shop on just like normal. There's no added cost to you but CCHE receives a small commission from every purchase you make when you click through from our site. Thank you!

I will be out of town April 29th – May 14th. Amy (withheld for archive) has graciously agreed to handle the "Updates!' in my absence. Thank you, Amy!


Hope to see you all at the Parents' Night Out on Thursday April 28th. There are 2 board positions open – so if you're interested in taking a more active role in the homeschool community, this is your opportunity! Otherwise, just stop in and chat about what CCHE can do to help the homeschooling community thrive in the Copper Country.



Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.

Updates for April 21st, 2011

Copper Country

Home Educators

"Updates!" by Val Juntunen

April 21st, 2011

Archive Notice:

This is an archived version of the emailed newsletter: "Updates!" All contact info has been deleted for privacy sake. If you need information on any of the events/items posted on this blog please email for further information.


Junior Ranger Storytime at PLDL – April 23rd  

The Portage Lake District Library invites all children to a special Storytime about our nation's national parks in celebration of Junior Ranger Day. 

Join Isle Royale National Park Ranger Valerie (withheld for archive) on Saturday, April 23, at

10:15 a.m., for stories and songs about your national parks. Kids will learn about these special places and earn their own Junior Ranger badge. 

Library programs are free and open to all. For more information, please (withheld for archive)visit  

Adopt-A-Highway – April 25th, 27th & May 1st

MDOT's Adopt-A-Highway first collection period begins this Sat, April 23 and runs through Sun, May 1.  During that time, we will try to meet 3 times to hopefully accommodate different schedules and problems we may encounter with the weather.  The dates and times are as follows:

Mon, April 25 at 1pm
Wed, April 27 at 6pm
Sun, May 1 at 3pm

We will meet in the Copper Country Mall's parking lot to watch a brief safety video (required by everyone participating) and to car pool to our route (M26 from Snowmobile Club Rd to South Range). 

This is a great way for our group to volunteer within the community.  Children 12 yrs. old and up are able to participate but we do need 1 adult per 3 children ages 12-17.  If you are interested in helping out, please contact Sara (withheld for archive)

Theater Group – April 26th

All interested homeschoolers are invited to join Eric (withheld for archive), director of the Little Gem Theater in Lake Linden, along with other homeschooling families, on Tuesday, April 26th from 2 to 4 pm at the Little Gem, at which time the newly-formed homeschoolers' theater group will discuss options for summer theater activities.  One of the group's goals is to perform a play in mid-summer; two options suggested were Alice in Wonderland and Beauty IS a Beast (the script for the latter may be perused at: ).  An educational component will also be incorporated into the theater group activities (acting, stagecraft, theater history, etc.).

This promises to be an enlightening, entertaining and educational experience for all participants.  If you have questions or would like more information about the Little Gem theater group, please email or call Eric at

(withheld for archive)

Michigan Copper & U.P. Mysteries – April 26th

The Portage Lake District Library will host a program sponsored by the Ancient Artifacts Preservation Society (AAPS) on Tuesday, April 26, at 7:00 p.m. 

Judy M. Johnson, secretary of AAPS, will present "Michigan Copper and U.P. Mysteries." Her discussion will include a history of copper mining in the Keweenaw and some of the ancient mysteries associated with it. The public is invited to bring copper artifacts that they have found to show and share with the group or just bring their curiosity and interest in what others have found. 

Library programs are free and open to all. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570 or visit

Beekeeping – April 27th

The Portage Lake District Library invites those who want to learn about the amazing world of honey bees to an evening with local beekeeper Todd (withheld for archive) as he presents "An Introduction to Beekeeping" on Wednesday, April 27, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.  

His slide show will cover bee hive basics and how honey bees go about their business. Participants will learn what types of equipment a beekeeper uses, how much time it takes to maintain hives, and what the costs and rewards of beekeeping are. There will be a small, empty hive and basic tools of the trade to examine and pure Keweenaw honey to taste.  

Todd has been a beekeeper for 11 years. He is fascinated by the important role bees have in nature and is eager to share his knowledge and experience with others.  

Library programs are free and open to all. For more information, please (withheld for archive) visit

Parents' Night Out – April 28th

Thursday April 28th, CCHE will be holding a Parents' Night out with discussion on the benefits of attending a homeschooling conference (and other home school topics) at 6pm. This will be followed by a board meeting at 7pm that is open to the public. There are some positions that need filling, so those interested are encouraged to stay for the meeting. The location will be announced in the next "Updates!" (Perkins Restaurant).

Volunteering Road Trip at PLDL – April 28th

You are invited to hear Dan Schneider and Bonnie Luokus talk about their volunteer experiences on their recent four month road trip in the American West. They will present their awesome slide show and share what they learned on Thursday, April 28, at 7:00 p.m. 
In the photo are Dan Schneider, left, and Bonnie Loukus above Apikuni Falls in Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. Loukus and Schneider surveyed mountain goats and pika in the high country as part of the park's Citizen Science Program. 
Thank you and see you at the library!
Chris Alquist
(withheld for archive)

The local Shriners' are raising money for the transportation fund that pays for kids from our area to go to the Shriners' Hospital (usually in the Twin Cities) where they receive free, advanced orthopedic, burn and cleft palette care. (From Val: My daughter, Jessica, is a Shriners' Hospital patient.) One of the many fundraisers they do to raise the needed funds is a Vidalia onion sale.

You get: 10lb bag of Vidalia onions for $10. The onions have a reputation of being excellent. They come from Vidalia, Georgia.

Please email me at if you are interested in ordering onions by April 28th (sorry I'm out of town the weekend of May 1st – so I need the orders in before then). You can pay when they come in – on May 16th. The onions will be available at either Bay Insurance on Sharon St. in Houghton or (if you make arrangements with me) I am willing to deliver.

Raptor Migration Fieldtrip – April 29th

Please review the information about safety, items to bring and how the fieldtrip will be conducted at

SKRC at PLDL – Months of April & May

During the months of April and May the Portage Lake District Library will host an informational display about the Sustainable Keweenaw Resource Center (SKRC) to help raise awareness about the Center and the resources it offers the community. 

The SKRC, located in the Jutila Center for Global Design & Business in Hancock, is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except during scheduled events. 

The purpose of the SKRC is to inspire and connect people with regionally appropriate resources and solutions for creating sustainable, livable communities in the Keweenaw Peninsula. 

The center offers a small reference library, community conference area, a few rotating exhibits spotlighting sustainable projects and resources in the Keweenaw Peninsula, and a number of online resources including the Keweenaw Green Map and Keweenaw Green Directory. 

The SKRC is supported and funded in-part by Finlandia University and is operated by a volunteer staff. 

Visit for more information about the Center. 

CC Community Arts Center – May 4th & May 7th

Crafting a Series of Paintings in Acrylics with Constance Johnson: Wednesdays, May 4, 11, 18, 25 from 6:30-9pm.

Find new ways to incorporate design principles as you create studies for a short series of acrylic painting. Class Fee: $115.

Core Spinning with Audrey Chamberlin: Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 1-5pm.

Create unique and interesting yarns with the versatile technique of core-spinning. Coils, puffs, lace, beads, and almost anything you can imagine can be spun right into your yarn. Class Fee: $65 plus $25 materials fee.

For more information see:

Register now for the 28th annual WPA Home Education Conference on Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7, at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Find information on the WPA Web site or get a hard copy by emailing WPA at or calling the WPA voice mail at (withheld for archive).

Here's an overview of the conference:

98 workshops, 53 new

Choosing a Curriculum • Blogging • Hands-on Science • Starting a Family Business • Homeschooling Boys • Socialization • Being a Homeschooling Dad • Homeschooling Kids of Different Ages • Baking Sourdough Bread • Kids With Special Needs • Homeschooling Without Outside Support • Dealing with Boy Energy • Homeschooling for High School • College Admission and Financial Aid • and much more

Outstanding new and returning speakers 

Connections workshops for the whole family

Ham/Amateur Radio and Weather Spotting • Bird Banding • Nanotechnology • Ground School for Future Pilots • Theatrical Techniques • Unit Origami • Taekwondo • Rock Polishing • and much more

More opportunities to meet homeschoolers

General session and graduation ceremony

Affordable on-site housing and all-you-can-eat buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


The conference for everyone

Whether you're completely new to homeschooling or a veteran; Whether your children are toddlers, teens, or grown; Whether you purchase your curriculum, create your own, do unit studies, are eclectic, or unschool; Whatever your reasons for homeschooling.


Save $15 on your conference registration fees and $7 on each WPA handbook you purchase by becoming a member of WPA.


Get a $10 WPA coupon (NOTE from Val: Holly Emmert has graciously kept us informed about the WPA conference – so if you want to credit someone it should be her) for each individual or family who did not attend the conference in 2009 or 2010 and who names you on their registration form as the one who encouraged them.


Thank you.

The WPA Board

Wisconsin Parents Association

(withheld for archive)

Find us on Facebook

For educators, parents, family members, policy makers, researchers, practitioners, students and persons living with ASD. Presented by Oakland University's Center for Autism, Research, Education and Support (OUCARES) and the Department of Human Development and Child Studies.

Marriott at Centerpoint 

3600 Centerpoint Parkway

Pontiac, MI 48341


Discounted rooms at $89. Please call the Marriott at 1-800-579-8395 for reservations. Use group code: qlcqlca.


Registration Prices:

Early Bird: $175
Regular: $205
(after March 31st)

Includes lunch and refreshments


For more information and registration:

(withheld for archive) 

Story Line Project Deadline – May 15th

Dear Homeschooling Families,
There is still time to participate in the Story Line Project, and it is my sincerest hope that you will decide to do this.
The Story Line Project seems like a perfect fit for homeschooling families. In fact, this is a great opportunity to learn a new art form, investigate your family history, pay tribute to your family's ancestors, enjoy friendship with others in doing a project of this size and scope, and attend "Rockland" at the Rozsa Center, an opera about local history.
Mary Wright, lead artist for and inspiration behind the Story Line Project, will do a public presentation about it at the library later this month. While she is here, we will have the fabric, transfer paper, and heat press set up in the community room and do a demonstration of how it works.
The supplies for making your family banner will be available in the community room for several days for you to use at your convenience. The only thing you will need to do is write your story and print it out as a document or pdf file. I will print your stories for you at the library free of charge.
In fact, this entire project is free. Fabric, transfer paper, use of the heat press, copies of stories, and tickets to "Rockland" are all free.
What an opportunity!
Please call or email me if you have questions. If you want the detailed information about The Story Line Project re-sent to you, I will be happy to do that. Please ask. (Please see the links below for more detailed information)
Thank you!
(withheld for archive)

Note from Val: Please contact Chris if you plan on participating in this project. Also, consider contacting me as I think this would be a great presentation for one of the "Parents' Night Out".

The following links will explain more:

Dear Teachers:

Lesson Plans:

A New Wave of Genealogists:

Remembering the Chairs:

INCH Homeschool Convention – May 20th – 21st

28th Annual INCH Homeschool Convention in Lansing Michigan is May 20th – 21st. See for details.

CALLING ALL KIDS MUSIC THEATRE CAMP:  On July 11 – 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Sts. Peter & Paul Lutheran Church will be sponsoring the Calling All Kids Music Theatre Camp.  This music camp is for any interested child who has completed second – seventh grade.  Throughout the week campers will be preparing the Christian musical, "American Ideal", a children's musical about humility, for a final performance in a church service on Sunday morning July 17th.  Campers do not need any prior musical experience, just an interest and enthusiasm for music and performing.  The cost for Calling All Kids Music Theatre Camp is $30.  Each camper will receive a CD and script when they return their completed application form to Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church.  For more information and an application please stop by the church office at 1010 Madeleine St., Houghton or phone 482-4750.


The camp is directed by Shawn Weber McMahon, a music educator from Madison, WI.  Ms. McMahon has been teaching music for 17 years and has been directing musicals for almost as long.  She directs musical at her home church in Madison, WI every spring and is in demand as an artist in residence for her work with movement and music.  Ms. McMahon is a native of Marquette, MI where she has also directed a week of Calling All Kids Music Theatre Camp.

Open Swim at Finlandia's Pool, 1-2pm on Thusdays ($2 per a person; $6 for a family, with possible gym time afterwards until 2:30). Parents can swim too or enjoy some time chatting with other adults. This is an excellent way to get to know other homeschoolers while giving the kids some exercise and group activities! Remember that in order to participate in the Open Gym the child must wear clean gym shoes or socks. Per Finlandia's rules – bare feet are not permitted.

Gymnastics with Jeanie- Friday mornings 9:30 - 10:10 am for tots and pre-school ages 2-3.  Pre-K & K from 10:20 - 11:10 and Grade School on Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Classes are pro-rated depending on start date.

Make your purchases through CCHE. Just go to our website at: Then you can browse some of the books we've put together or just click the "powered by" in the upper left and you can shop on just like normal. There's no added cost to you but CCHE receives a small commission from every purchase you make when you click through from our site. Thank you!

Someone recently told me that the "Updates!" they receive have the about ½ an inch chopped off the left side. This person uses Google Chrome as their web browser. So far, no one else has mentioned this problem and all the feedback on the new format has been positive. Please, please let me know if anyone else is having issues receiving the "Updates!" so we can look at correcting the problem.

Thank you!


Remember if you miss or lose a CCHE Updates email you can view an archive of our Updates on our home website and on:

CCHE does not pass on emails/addresses/names from any of our mailing lists (electronic or snail mail) to any other groups, organizations or individuals.